Maybe some truth to JW being Scientology for Black people, singer Omarion a JW now..

by miseryloveselders 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • tryingtoexit

    there's a pic of Omarion holdin a Bible Teach book somewhere on the internet I saw last year...

  • Blue Grass
    Blue Grass
    It's because usually in black culture, critical thinkers are seen as being "too white thinking".

    I have no idea who told you that BS. What the hell is the "black culture" anyway?

  • ColdRedRain

    "I have no idea who told you that BS. What the hell is the "black culture" anyway?"

    The black people who chided me, another black person, for going to college. Sorry, kiddo, your "I'm liberal" racial shaming pass isn't redeemable here.

  • FreudianSlip

    "critical thinkers are seen as being "too white thinking""

    That hasn't been my experience. I have never gotten anything but praise from other Blacks about getting an education. Who are you hanging around with?

  • SirNose586
    That hasn't been my experience. I have never gotten anything but praise from other Blacks about getting an education. Who are you hanging around with?

    Then you're hanging around blacks who are above petty criticisms, unlike the ones who were around ColdRedRain. That's good to hear. I haven't gotten that exact message spoken to me, but I read about stuff like that in Losing the Race: Self-Sabotage in Black America. I could relate only because I've witnessed black and Mexican kids being accused of "acting white" because they spoke proper English and they didn't become involved in the same stereotypical pursuits that their companions did.

    When you hang around people who have no ambition, you're likely to hear things of that nature. In the black community, you could be labeled as "acting white" for going to college and trying to make a living off of something other than music or sports. In another setting, it might be "You think you're too good for us?" or "You think you're better than us?"

    The core insult is the same, just differently delivered: "You're smarter, and you're doing something with your life. We do not approve."

  • FreudianSlip

    I don't need an education on how Blacks relate to each other. Any Black person that doesn't talk ghetto has been told they talk White or talk "proper" (in my case, mostly by White people). I am Black, I know how things are. Also, I have never had a Black person disparage me for thinking critically which was what CRR's first post said. I grew up in a poorer Black neighborhood and have been around judgmental, ignorant people. I do not, however believe that Black culture, in general, is disparaging towards critical thinking or getting educated. If it was, why are Black woman having the biggest gains in college enrollment? Not without support. Things are changing, minds are changing. Including Black ones!

    "Talking White" was not the issue I was addressing. Plenty of "White talking" Black folks don't get educated and plenty of Blacks with negro accents have PhDs.

  • Blue Grass
    Blue Grass
    Sorry, kiddo, your "I'm liberal" racial shaming pass isn't redeemable here.

    I have not the slightest clue of what you mean by this statement.

    Never in my life have I ever heard anyone being accused of being white for "critical" thinking. I have no idea what type of friends you hang around but they are very unique for all the wrong reasons.

    Also I still don't know the definition of "black culture". Jamacians, Hatians, Nigerians, Ethopians, Somalians, etc. all have different cultures, yet they're all "black", so how can you say there's a "black culture"?

  • ColdRedRain

    "I don't need an education on how Blacks relate to each other. Any Black person that doesn't talk ghetto has been told they talk White or talk "proper" (in my case, mostly by White people). I am Black, I know how things are. Also, I have never had a Black person disparage me for thinking critically which was what CRR's first post said. "

    Try saying you think that Obama's a vague fool that's in over his head or say that you like surfing over basketball and you'll see how popular you are in Eatonville (Assuming you're really from Florida).

    "I grew up in a poorer Black neighborhood and have been around judgmental, ignorant people. I do not, however believe that Black culture, in general, is disparaging towards critical thinking or getting educated."

    Again, try debating with a "brotha" the bus and they'll start sounding like a dub with a slew of shaming ad hominems. I've debated with African Americans before, and it ended up with me showing them my Kukkiwon first degree black belt card and a can of pepper spray. For some reason, they don't like the fact that I don't just accept whatever conventional wisdom they believe in instead of trying to rock the boat. Standing out in African-American culture is considered a sin. That's why I believe this religion is so popular with the African-American community, you jut have to go with the flow instead of doing research and rocking the boat.

    "If it was, why are Black woman having the biggest gains in college enrollment? Not without support. Things are changing, minds are changing. Including Black ones!"

    Affirmative action and watered down meaningless social science and art degrees. I've been around some black female "college" students. Most of them don't get degrees in real technical skills that our nation needs to survive, they're mostly in "Social Sciences". You don't know how many African-American (Not just black in general) sociology majors I trip over when I ride the bus. I've met only two African-American computer hardware specialists, a man and a woman. The man had some true talent, the woman was also ungodly talented. The was probably the smartest person I ever met in that class. In the ghetto, she'd be mocked for being "too white". I also talked to an African-American business major and she couldn't tell me the most basic premise of employment: she didn't know that a job was simply a person selling their labor for goods and services. She just wanted to "get rich".

    "Then you're hanging around blacks who are above petty criticisms, unlike the ones who were around ColdRedRain. That's good to hear. I haven't gotten that exact message spoken to me, but I read about stuff like that in Losing the Race: Self-Sabotage in Black America. I could relate only because I've witnessed black and Mexican kids being accused of "acting white" because they spoke proper English and they didn't become involved in the same stereotypical pursuits that their companions did."

    I hang out with white Sci Fi nerds.

  • Beta Male
    Beta Male

    I have a friend like you CRR. His friends and family call him "snowflake". He likes SCIFI, fantasy, videogames and such.

  • garyneal

    My wife (who is black) also has 'traits' about her that cause others of her race (including her sister) to regard her as 'white.'

    I guess her being married to a white man doesn't help her position amongst some of these blacks (can someone say 'sell out?').

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