A part of the JWS indoctrination is to not respect worldly governments, so because of this you find a lot of JWS cheating on their taxes.
No more than people in other churches. No need to vilify JW's unnecessarily.
Think About It
by rockmehardplace 33 Replies latest jw friends
A part of the JWS indoctrination is to not respect worldly governments, so because of this you find a lot of JWS cheating on their taxes.
No more than people in other churches. No need to vilify JW's unnecessarily.
Think About It
No more than people in other churches. No need to vilify JW's unnecessarily.
The majority of other Church's don't profess that governments are controlled by Satan's manifestations
so are inherently evil, like the JWS organization does.
This what sets the JWS apart in how the JWS view wordily governments and the taxes they procure.
But all is well since these wordily organizations will soon be destroyed by the hand of God ..... isn't that right Think About It ?
But all is well since these wordily organizations will soon be destroyed by the hand of God ..... isn't that right Think About It ?
Soon destroyed by God? I disagree with this.
Did you cheat on your taxes when you were a JW? I never cheated on mine when I was. My observation has been that JW's as a group cheat less than most others. Truth be known....the IRS probably agrees.
Think About It
One of the first JWs I ever "dated" was in the car detailing business under a JW who owned the "franchise". He was proud of the fact that he was paid cash to do what he did and never paid taxes. And lo and behold...he got audited. And busted....and had a bill of about $17,000 that he is probably to this day paying off.
Do SOME JWs laugh in the face of the government...oh yes they do.
I was a tax consultant and had a lot of Witness clients. (It was interesting to know how much many in the congregation earned.) JW clients were the same as my non-witness ones. Most were honest, with a few dishonest. I can vouch that some Witnesses blatantly lie on their tax returns by refusing to claim "cash" earnings or wanting to claim expenses that they did not have receipts for.
On the other hand some were paranoid in their honesty. I had one witness client amend the same return twice over incorrect claims. I had to convince him when he came back a third time that the ATO would not be concerned by the $10 overpayment in tax, as the cost of amending a return is significantly more than that.
One of the first JWs I ever "dated" was in the car detailing business under a JW who owned the "franchise". He was proud of the fact that he was paid cash to do what he did and never paid taxes.
Oh man, don't get me started. A MS I know is running a whole construction business being paid cash. I just found out he doesn't say the price, he writes it, or says "some people would charge..." Pisses me off. I DO pay a LOT of taxes with no wiggle room to get out of it.
In all honesty from being an outsider that JWS probably cheat on their taxes just as much as the rest of the population.
What my previous comment was saying that JWS have no sense of respect for local and federal governments because thats
how they have been indoctrinated by the WTS.
This has got to have some sort of effect to how JWS comprehend taxes in general.
I've witness myself quite a few JWS try and cheat on their taxes when they think they can get away with it.
Giving hard earned money to a evil and worldly government organization doesn't make logical sense.
Giving money to spiritually clean organization like the WTS. that belongs to god does though.
One of the idiots at the KH I used to attend was an accountant and he used to tell me that I was able to claim for all sorts of things on my tax return even if I didn't need or use them. Also if you got paid in cash "stick it in your pocket not the bank". Ninja do you like Trent Reznor from Nine Inch Nails?
But all is well since these wordily organizations will soon be destroyed by the hand of God ..... isn't that right Think About It ?
Soon destroyed by God? I disagree with this.
What part do you not agree , have you ever been a JWS...Think About It ?
Soon destroyed by God? I disagree with this.
What part do you not agree , have you ever been a JWS...Think About It ?
I disagree with all your religious retoric about wicked governments soon being destroyed and this causing JW's to feel they can freely cheat on taxes.
Since you ask, I was a JW for many years having left as an elder in 95'. Unless things have changed since I left (which I doubt), to vilify JW's as a whole as tax cheats is ridiculous.
Think About It