This here is a true story, so please don't interrupt me until I'm finished telling it.
Way back in the woods in the late of night, a woman died. Her bereaved husband walked 20 miles to get the undertaker.
He and the undertaker returned to the home to remove the body of his wife to the morturary. Too upset to assist with the removal of his wife's body, the husband remained outside in the hearse while neighbors helped the undertaker.
After placing the body in the back of the hearse, the undertaker went back into the house to do the necessary paperwork. While he was thus occupied, a neighbor asked the forlorn husband if he could hitch a ride back to town with them. The husband simply jerked his thumb toward the back of the hearse.
The undertaker emerged from the house and began the drive to town, unaware that a live passenger was in the back of the hearse, and the husband, in a fog of grief and despair, neglected to tell him.
As they neared their destination, the man in the back began to beat on the partition, shouting, "Hey, you can let me out right here!"
The undertaker crashed his hearse!
Thankfully, no one was injured.