My question is, if they are falseprophets, etc... then what they said about the Catholic Church should be suspect also. Maybe they are one of the true churches along with others.
Not necessarily omerp. Just because Hitler says that the Earth is round doesn't mean that we have to adopt a contrarian view and say that it is flat.
Jehovahs Witnesses are way worse than the catholic church. Some people get transfixed on this nonsense and freak out.
You were way worse than a Catholic, let me assure you.
The Catholic Church in general in it's modern form is much softer than the JWs. Historically, though, the Catholic Church has a long history of atrocities. That it doesn't anymore is due to the fact that historical factors have disempowered it.
As far as our having been way worse than Catholics that depends. There are Fundamentalist Catholics which are pretty gnarly and exclusivists like all Fundamentalists (which include JWs).