Gromitsk: I appreciate you taking the time to write such a long and eloquent answer to my post. I didn't mean any offence in what I wrote, and don't worry I would never quote the Bible in matters of 'morality', considering it's a book which advocates genocide, child rape, etc. I think the Bible is a hideous book, responsible for a vast amount of suffering throughout history.
Anyway, I think you make lots of excellent points, and because I don't feel strongly enough about homosexuality either way, I'm just going to reiterate what I wrote at the beginning of my initial post, which is "[live] whatever life you want to" and I mean that in all sincerity . I would never deny anyone the right to whichever lifestyle they choose (assuming everyone involved is of legal age and consenting), and when it comes to sex my attitude is live and let live. I've had several gay co-workers in the past, got on fine with them, and it was never an issue. I didn't think any less of them because they were gay. And I know for the vast majority of gay men it's not their choice to be attracted to other men, that's just the way they are inclined, I understand that.
I only said that I don't feel 'particularly comfortable' with people of the same sex having sex, I didn't say I opposed it or found it revolting. I don't. But I don't have to feel completely comfortable with every kind of sexual activity that goes on on earth, do I? I mean, I'm not obligated am I? Some men like to have their penises rubbed with cheesegraters, or have their testicles beaten black and blue, the thought of that makes me very uncomfortable , but I wouldn't deny people the right to do that in private, if that's what they choose to do. When it comes to feeling ill at ease about certain behaviour in our fellow humans, sometimes we just have gut feelings that we can't deny. Don't get me wrong, I have no time for malicious and extroverted homophobia, my discomfort is a much milder feeling.
Billy the ex-Bethelite: There was no need for you to delve into your family photo album to illustrate your point