Do you miss God?
by wobble 47 Replies latest watchtower bible
I dont miss God , since he has done such an expert job of hiding. If he would be what WT BtS and others picture him, he would be in court for child neglect and failing to come to aid, and leaving the scene of an accident. on the other hand he left this impressive handiwork behind. We have not heard the last of this.
One promise that is kept for me: the earth has not seen life destroyed by man in my lifetime.
Jaguar bass: 50% answered prayers?, whishes? odds are it was your perseverance, patience, modest requests.
Cant leave: a designer? for me its more stupendious! its the work of a worker.
Wt wizard: we understand if you are bitter, but dont equate WT BtS-god-wizardry with the stark reality. you have to play with the cards you are dealt. There are great ways to enjoy this life, even in adversity. think of all the people that make life hard for themselfs, spelunkers, base jumpers,-----.
Fuzzi Paul: well said, with better words then mine, but dont count on salvation! why do we need salvation? the gift we have is enough.
thank you'all.
Not in the least.
still thinking
no..I don't miss any of them.
No, i don't, not in the least. My feeling is that what there is isn't that much like the standard god concept. Guess, i'm not quite 100% atheist.
Amazingly, I don't miss 'god'. When first leaving the religion I grieved 'god'. Saying good-bye to an imaginary friend that had roots in my heart. That concept used to be so dominant in every aspect of my life....and now, with each passing day, that 'relationship' with 'god' seems more and more like a different life.
But I don't want any of that back. Maybe there will always be a certain sentimentality when remembering those years of belief. Now, the peaceful feelings coming from emancipation don't leave much room for missing that concept
Saying good-bye to 'god' doesn't mean closing the door to all mystery and's quite the opposite
Not in the slightest! How could I miss something when I have such an incredible replacement?
My new "God" is Science, Reason, and Philosophy. Better than my past imaginary friend who only ever made me feel guilty and confused.
I never really felt a connection with God at all. So no, I don't miss him/it.