FOOD at the proper time and NEW LIGHT from the Golden Age/Awake!

by Terry 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Judge, is the quote you refer to? found it in the 1994 watchtower...

    6 What about the Awake! magazine? From its beginning, Awake! too has advocated truth. Originally called TheGoldenAge, this magazine was designed for public distribution. Regarding its objective, the first issue, dated October 1, 1919, stated: “Its purpose is to explain in the light of Divine wisdom the true meaning of the great phenomena of the present day and to prove to thinking minds by evidence incontrovertible and convincing that the time of a greater blessing of mankind is now at hand.” Thinking people responded to the message of TheGoldenAge. For a number of years, its circulation was even greater than that of TheWatchtower. Watchtower 1/1 1994

  • Pistoff

    The WT knows that the moment their magazines are printed, the information is obsolete; the rank and file do not understand this idea fully.

    Those ideas we are laughing at, especially the vitriol against doctors and the AMA and vaccinations, echoed through the membership for decades, and still are beneath the surface.

    I got an email not long ago from a witness happy to hit the forward button, you know the type; it was from a witness medical practitioner in SD who forwarded an email about H1N1 vaccine ingredients, completely false, stating that blood, pig blood, horse blood, etc was in the vaccine.

    I was so shocked to see this stuff forwarded I called his office, and for 45 minutes this witness medical practitioner, not an MD, went off about the evils of vaccines, dating back to his father's questioning the ingredients of vaccines in the 50's!

    The old timers internalized the message, and some could not shake it.

    I have heard some say about blood that they will never take fractions, and don't think it is right, that the new position is wrong. Imagine that; the old position was given to them by the same group of men as the new, but they cannot shake the old thinking.

    Even more than the actual viewpoint, the thing that persists in my view is the mistrust of doctors and science, and the willingness to accept medical ideas that are clearly based on junk science.

  • Terry

    I think when we start to defend our ideas, deeply held beliefs and such we tatoo an entrenched permanency in ourselves almost impossible to

    to abandon---even when we discover we are wrong.

    Loyalty is abused this way.

    Part of the depth of stubborness you encounter with a JW is the years of learning to argue and defend their position.

    Like teaching a boxer how to counter-punch; it becomes second nature.

    A JW will automatically defend BEFORE even beginning to consider the merit of their own argument.

    Defense is a given.

  • JWoods

    It is interesting to note that these idiotic statements were made exactly during the era that all the basic Rutherford doctrine was being set forth...the name Jehovah's Witnesses, the 2 classes of christians (great crowd), all that prophecy junk about the men of old being brought back, etc.

    Strange that the guiding spirit set them "straight" on all their weird doctrines, but let this lunacy on medicine slip right through.

    The fact is that these guys were just making the stuff up as they went along, and the JWs are still stuck with a good part of it.

  • thetrueone

    The WTS and the people leading this organization took on a self imposed position that they are very unique in the world

    and sold themselves in this way. The tell tale of this untruth is their constant tripping over themselves bullshit that

    appears over and over again. The food at the proper time is tainted and the new light is invisible to anyone else accept to themselves.

    For anyone whose just interested in the JWS and WTS. they should read the past quotes from their literature such as Terry

    has pulled out for them to see the real light of reality from this bogus/corrupt religious organization.

  • Terry

    Purity/uncorruption is what God represents.

    At the very least, you'd expect a pure and uncorrupt God to work through his "channel of communication" without permitting corruption to come out the other end.


    1. The Watchtower has been clear about the process: Jesus RETURNED and selected THEM!

    2.Jesus purified them and declared the good news through them using their publishing structure.

    3.Feeding the sheeplike ones means putting publications in their hands.

    So, if those publications represented the Messiah and Jehovah's pure and uncorrupt message to mankind---HOW could it be so wrong?

    So, repeatedly wrong!

    Once JESUS returned and started ruling (from heaven) is there any reason any longer to permit corruption among the TRUE believers?

    The hypothesis of "new light getting brighter and brighter" can only be an excuse for nonsense.

  • zoiks
    The Journal of the A. M. A. is the vilest sheet that passes the United States mail.... Nothing new and useful in theraputics escapes its unqualified condemnation. Its attacks are generally ad hominem. Its editorial columns are largely devoted to character assasination.... Its editor [Morris Fishbein] is of the type of Jew that crucified Jesus Christ.

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