Ever seen a levitating object?

by Think About It 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    We took her to the Magic House and she was fascinated by the levitating balls.

    Have you ever seen anything levitate or a ufo Think?

    I have not seen a UFO, but have seen levitating balls.....with the phenomenon usually ending with my socks being knocked off.

    Think About It

  • Chalam

    I went to see a hypnotism show on stage at Polytechnic when I was studying. The show started with a test to see who would be good candidates to get actively involved in the show. The hypnotist got people to link their hands together and then to imagine them in a vice which he was tightening. After a period of 'tightening', he said to try and release our hands. I had no problem, and neither did many others. However, there were many who had difficulty or couldn't until he set them free, around a quarter or a third of the audience of several hundred people. These people we invited to get involved with the show.

    The show was comic, people acting like they were on aeroplanes and such. Later in the show the hypnotist asked for a male who was physically fit. He told the dude that his body would be stiff all over "well not quite the whole body", this being a student campus after all! Anyhow, the dude was as stiff as a board. The hypnotist put the back of his head on one chair and his heels on the floor, with the body stiff in between, pretty impressive I though. Then he brought another chair and put his feet on that chair so he body was supported head one chair and feet on another with his body still stiff in between. Now I was thinking, pretty athletic! Then he told the dude, 'you are loosing the stiffness', and at the command the body sagged in the middle. Then he told him to 'stiffen up' and his body sprang back up, nice and straight between the chairs.

    Then he asked for a girl to volunteer, average weight. One came forward and helped by the hypnotist she stepped up onto the dude in the middle. He was wobbling a bit but she stood on him, still suspended only by the two chairs, one under his head and the other his feet. Now I am thinking, the dude must be Superman or superhuman. Anyhow, she stood up there for a short while and then got down. Still the dude is under the power and between the chairs. Then the hypnotist takes on of the chairs away! The dude was then half levitating, feet floating, bobbing slightly, and the head supported. At this point I was thinking it was well beyond the laws of physics or else there must be some illusion. I could see no trickery going on, and that wasn't the thing, it wasn't a magic show or one of deception. The people were just students, and some around me had serious problems prising their hand apart at the start. Anyhow, a short while later the chair was replaced and the show went on.

    The finale of the show had all the people who had been involved on stage. The hypnotist said that would all have a fear of rats and on hearing the trigger word, the place would be filled with rats and they would have to run out of the building where the rats would be gone. So he gave the word and immediately, there was pandaemonium. People were desperate to get off the stage, pushing and throwing themselves off and literally ran out of the building screaming and in panic. I was convinced this was not a "put up" or else the people all deserved multiple Oscars.

    So, what about hypnotism? I was fully convinced of its power from the start as soon as I saw people unable to separate their hands until he gave the word. These were students that had just walked in like myself. Similarly with the other stage antics. It was too much for the guy who was suspended between the chairs, let alone someone standing on him and certainly taking one chair away was just as incredible. However, the finale was maybe even more memorable, the pure fear on the faces of the people. I remember seeing them returning to the hall, clearly traumatised but thankfully for them the 'rats" had gone.

    As for the levitation, there are many similar illusions out there, so I am happy to concede this part could be only a illusion. However, after watching many videos of hypnotism/chair levitation on YouTube I must state this about what I saw which set it apart. There were no "smoke and mirrors", special equipment, boards or rods involved, even temporarily. It was seemingly just a student and two standard plastic chairs. More importantly, there was no blanket or covering to hide anything as seen on YouTube. Also the person 'sagged' in the middle at the command of the hypnotist, clearly demonstrating no rods or boards were involved, totally unlike any illusions I saw on YouTube. A good way to cause horizontal illusion is to have a mirror at 45 degrees reflecting an image of the floor as demonstrated on the YouTube to mask a flat surface to 'levitate" on. However, this could not have been used in this case due to the sagging or such a device brought on stage.

    I think there would be much difficulty trying to explain away all the events of the evening, especially to someone who was there. Also, it was a student night but I had not been drinking that evening! There are similar shows out there, I remember seeing a trailer for one on TV, the same type thing, people hypnotised thinking they were in an aeroplane and such.

    Anyhow, sorry for the long post but I hope the details help.



  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Everyday. Jets are pretty common around here. So are birds.

  • shamus100
    I know this will get some wisecrack posts

    Booohahahahahaha! You read me like a book.

    No real comment - it's just too easy.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Booohahahahahaha! You read me like a book.

    You got to plan ahead brother.

    I even wisecracked my own thread.

    Think About It

  • foolsparadise

    If you fold a piece o paper into an airplane then throw it it levitates for about 5 seconds before it falls to the ground.

  • LV101

    Not personally, however, upon returning home (1968) from a date, my sister and her girlfriend were sitting at the foot of the bed, shocked and scared professing to have seen a shoe LIFT UP off the bedroom floor. I laughed at their story and told them they were CRAZY --- but then noticed how serious these two, responsible, A-students were. They had been experimenting & playing w/the ouija board me, and I continued thinking they were trying to frighten me but soon realized they were way to terrified to be concerned for playing head games. I've asked my sister about this a few times over the many yrs., and her story has never changed. She's a very educated woman (teacher) w/family & grandchildren -- not that one can't make this stuff up when they are in their teens to scare their older sister --- but this was NEVER her nature.

    At the time, we had never read any Watchtower literature nor were any immediate family members Witnesses, because NOW I would attribute it to that.

    Just an experience --- NO proof since I didn't see w/my own eyes, but we hid the board or threw it out. We were not into the dark-side of life or know anything about the spirit realm --- and there was no alcohol or drugs in the house.

    I never post & very limited w/time, but so enjoy reading all the great information when I can.


  • OnTheWayOut

    Same principle as video below might apply to levitating objects:


  • Think About It
    Think About It

    I've asked my sister about this a few times over the many yrs., and her story has never changed. She's a very educated woman (teacher) w/family & grandchildren -- not that one can't make this stuff up when they are in their teens to scare their older sister --- but this was NEVER her nature.

    LV101......Welcome to the board. That is what intriges me about this type of phenomenon. Normal people who would serve as eye-witnesses or on a jury make these claims of seeing these types of things, UFO's, Mothman, or whatever, and keep the experience as truth even up to their death.

    Think About It

  • Chalam

    Welcome LV101!

    Hopefully this doesn't turn into another Ouija board thread-last one I remember Warlock got 'disfellowshipped' from JWN :(



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