2 JW's in the parking lot...

by White Dove 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    They met me as I was getting out of my car at my apts.

    After stating a few of my newfound beliefs in possibilities, the one lady kept quoting the Bible to me after I said that I had no respect for it and didn't believe in it.

    I told them both that I thought it was simply a book with interesting stories rewritten over and over again from mythology.

    I mentioned Epona taking Elish(j)a to heaven in a flaming chariot.

    I told them that the Jesus story has been rewritten many times before the supposed event even happened (Egyptian god Horus).

    Every time she brought up something new, I countered it with why I thought it was not believable.

    The best one was when I got to tell them of my relatives who passed away at an old age and DID DIE. I told them that truth doesn't change.

    That truth should never have been taught as a fact to be counted on. When it did change, I said that you have to take a step back and say come on! Something is not right here!

    They gave up and mentioned how they liked my car. They had to put some kind of equal footing in there at the end, right?

    Oh, and she said something about others using their imaginations and coming up with stuff out of thin air like I was. I said that that was disrespectful.

    I said that what they thought and believed about their holy book is the same as other religions and their holy books. They all believe their own HBs are the only answers.

    They said I had some good points, though. Oh, how I hate talking with them!

    The wound is raw from 2005, so I should have just gotten "busy" all of the sudden when they pulled out those wretched mags.

  • Heartbreaker

    I'm always impressed when I read the experiences of you all that encounter the JWs out and about, or ever at your homes. Your arguements or points are always so well made, I'm amazed the witnesses before you don't just stand there slackjaw. Good for you, good for all of you. I'm still in a hide and avoid mode, even though no one has tried to approach our home or us in public.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Thank you:) I always finish a JW pissing contest thinking of all the other cool stuff to say but failed to remember it at the time. Maybe this will help the ever present silent one, the arrogant talky's side kick. The side kick is usually the "weaker one" or "new one." That's my hope, anyway.

  • moshe

    JW's are hard to reach and I am amazed they have as many as they do with all the WT info on the Internet these days. Good job and they probably hate talking to people like you. It has to wear them down, like Chinese water torture after awhile.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Hmm...Chinese water torture? Love it! Maybe I should just keep it up, then. I really do hate talking to them, though because it is always a dead end street. Closed minds are so boring.


    Talking to Jehovah`s Witness`s is a waste of time..

    They talk "AT"people..Not "TO" people..

    Jehovah`s Witness`s want an audience..Not a discussion..


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    True, Outlaw, true. Then, maybe I could just have a little fun and entertain them at the same time with "The verdict is out and everyone agrees that you and your cute little side kick there are in a F*CKING CULT!" Pearls before swine, I know.

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    Arrogant talky did shush me a couple of times, which made me aware just how arrogant and rude they are and how much of that rudeness I ignored when I was still in. The super uber pioneer motormouths don't like to be interrupted. They think they are so good at the doors and can talk down anyone.

  • judge rutherFRAUD
    judge rutherFRAUD

    white dove you did fine to the point they had to talk about your car. which just goes to show you that you won the argument. they are easy if you just keep pounding away as you did

  • chickpea

    you certainly are more gracious than i would have been...

    i think i will remember the line of thought that theïr bible
    is a rehash of more ancient mythologies, with a nomadic
    desert dwelling culture's point of view...

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