Memorial 2010! How many jws will partake? or SHOULD partake?

by justmom 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • justmom



    They pride themselves on being "The truth" ( which belongs only to the Christ. "I am the way..the truth..the life.)

    They pride themselves on being part of a covenant that will destroy everyone else at Armageddon and only they will "live forever" in paradise!

    They pride themselves on possessing the only true anointed (the Israel of God) which feeds them spiritual food (lies) at the proper time!

    So if Jesus is the greater Moses to them and he has led them out of Egypt (false religion) up to the mountain of Zion in their wonderful so-called spiritual paradise they exist in.... then it is only obvious in order for them to be joined to Christ as his TRUE followers...

    they ALL partake of the body and blood whether or not they profess priesthood or not. They are Israel.

    Please note 1 Corinthians 10:1-3.."All Israel (men, women, children,levite priests, and Egyptians that attached themselves to Israel) were all under the cloud, all passed through the sea, ALL ATE THE SAME SPIRITUAL FOOD AND ALL DRANK THE SAME SPIRITUAL DRINK which represented the Christ."

    Please note John6:31-58 .. in part, "Our forefathers ate the manna and yet died. My father gives you the true bread from heaven.

    48 "I am the bread from heaven."

    50"This is the bread from heaven, so that ANYONE may eat of it and not die.

    51"..."if ANYONE eats of this bread he will...note LIVE FOREVER.

    53"Most truly I say, Unless you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in yourselves.

    54"He that feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has EVERLASTING LIFE, and I shall resurrect him at the last day."

    56"He that feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood REMAINS IN UNION WITH ME, and I in union with him."

    58"It is not as when your forefathers ate and yet died. He that feeds on THIS bread will LIVE FOREVER."

    So if they continue to profess who they are which as stands ....they are imposters, sheep being misled, promises of life through a covenant that they are not allowed in, therefore making them sadly to say subjects for Gehenna.

    Why are they so scared to even entertain this covenant of partaking of the Christ???

    Because their leaders (Pharisees) (sheep in wolves clothing) have as Matthew 23:13-15 done "Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you SHUT UP THE KINGDOM OF THE HEAVENS BEFORE MEN; for you yourselves do not go in, neither do you permit those on their way in to go in. Woe! hypocrites because you traverse sea and dry land (preaching) to make ONE proselyte, and when he becomes one you make him a subject for Gehenna twice as much so as yourselves."

    So friends, do you think as the number keeps increasing instead of decreasing, folks are hearing that calling and obeying that voice of our lord and master ("my sheep know my voice') despite what anyone in the org may say or feel towards them.

    Revelation 22:17 "And the spirit and the bride keep on saying: Come! And let ANYONE hearing say: Come! And let ANYONE thirsting come, let ANYONE that wishes take life's water free."

    Nothing but love to you all

    Your sister, justmom (Kim)

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    It's bound to increase. When it does it will put a nice little smile on my face

  • SirNose586

    10,857 was the partaker number last year.

    My guess for this year is 11,600 partakers.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I'll say less than but an increase. so what are the odds and bets

  • The Scotsman
    The Scotsman

    An increase is inevitable - a huge jump would be nice.

    Out of interest - when is the memorial this year - I am totally out of touch with the whole thing.

    The Scotsman

  • spawn

    perhaps we should all go and partake just to make the numbers up.

    Also it's worth a laugh to see if the wine is any good or someone got the cheap rubbish again, better still sit at the front of the hall and take a sip then do your wine tasting impression and spit it out.

  • wobble

    LOL at Spawn !

    the problem with people like me turning up is twofold, first I would throw up, and secondly, if I drank and ate, the self appointed judges that are Elders would not count me ,as holy Spirit could not have chosen an inactive Dub.

    How guys who are not annointed themselves can judge who is and who isn't beats me. (But of course they know better than the Holy Spirit)

    It would be good if all who are still believed by the Congo. to be active partook, but be careful folks, it will put you under one huge spot-light !

    It would be good too .if possible, to promote the doctrine that all should partake, so the increase goes on year after year.

    In my youth we had an old sister who only came to the memorial, nothing else,no FS or other meetings, and partook,and was counted ! The "Servents" as they were in those pre-Elder days adjudged that only God could decide if she was genuine or not, different days indeed!



  • spawn

    hey wobble pm on its way

  • blondie

    *** w60 4/1 p. 224 Questions From Readers ***Disfellowshiped persons are not welcome. Should they attend and partake, they would not be counted. Likewise, if any newcomers who are not yet baptized partake of the emblems, they should not be counted.

    *** w69 3/15 p. 164 Welcome to the Lord’s Evening Meal ***Furthermore, these, to partake worthily, must be living up to their dedication vow, both as regards faithfully fulfilling their preaching commission and as regards their own personal conduct.—1 Cor. 11:27-34; 2 Cor. 5:20, 21.

  • Gayle

    Partakers - 2007 - 9,105

    - 2008 - 9,986 (9.7% increase from 2007)

    - 2009 - 10,857 (8.7% increase from 2008)

    2010 - I'll take a guess of 7.7% increase, so - 11,693 (pretty close to SirNose's guess)

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