How old does a quote have to be before they can throw it out?

by mkr32208 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JWoods
    Which reminds me. Is there a thread anywhere in here that lists absurd beliefs that have never been discarded (in other words, still current light)?

    A worthy topic. I suppose that you mean things SO ABSURD that even a JW would hardly believe they are still technically part of the doctrine?

  • yknot

    ..... Just a reminder.....

    The TMS is using 1989's Reasoning book...... 1989!!!!

    Think about all the things we have changed since!

    The publishing company is more interested in clearing out it's current inventory ...... besides why print something new when they know good and well the 'light flashes' are just beginning!

  • Mary
    I mean at what point can they start throwing out these quotes?

    About every 5 seconds.

    "Noo lite can be rotated as often as the Slobbering Body member see fit. That's the very nature of the beast. Two years ago, they had 'noo lite' on what "this generation" meant. Everyone MUST accept it as gospel troof. Less than two years later, they've changed the meaning yet again. I have a feeling that alot of Dubs are really going to be bothered by this one.....

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