Would appreciate any additional help and research into this. If any of you have researched this at all would appreciate your findings and conclusions. Do not want to stumble anyone, so just be warned this could do that if you believe at the very least the english translations of the bible are pure.
Here is what I've found so far, and I am not researched enough so that it's credible but raises questions and warrants further investigation.
I do not remember but a week or two ago I had read something in the bible which caused me to research "El", and one thing of interest I found was first the "seven names of God" sometimes called "the seven" = which immediately I thought of the 7 headed wild beast with blasphemous names. This I've only seen in wiki and not researched yet.
Under "El" specifically, that "El" the name of God, and many words associated with "El" related to that as well. An ancient "cult of El". ELoihim, apostLE, discipLE, ELder, ELect.
Last night just a random thought to do a search on Saturn Satan. http://www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/2008/07/saturn-satan-and-666.html Read that whole thing, at this point I am now definitely researching this stuff. Anybody can say anything and post it online, I want to see how much of these claims are credible and think this is an interesting enough topic that some of you may want to research too. Please post anything of note you find and the source.