New WT Article on "grieving" Jah's HS

by daniel-p 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • daniel-p

    So an old JW friend just contacted me on Facebook to tell me to check out some new article on not grieving Jehovah's Holy Spirit--he said everyone was talking about it and that I should check it out. He knows I've been inactive, and this is the first time he's contacted me in years.

    Of course, he's known to get excited about things quite easily, especially in his manic states (bipolar).

    Anyway, does anyone know the article of which he was talking about? Probably just a bunch of gobbledygook, but I thought it would be funny to read the latest GB tirade.

  • undercover

    Sounds to me like his way of trying to guilt you into being active again. Apparently you're grieving the HS by being a slackard. Instead of being upfront about it and actually expressing his concern or thought, he relies on a WTS article to try to scare you into doing the right thing...

    Some 'friend'...

  • daniel-p

    undercover... you're right, I think. The last conversation I had with this guy was him asking me when I was going to start pioneering again (this just after my near-death experience for refusing blood, trying to pioneer again, failing, and then starting college). I got pissed off and said a few things. So now he takes it upon himself to "encourage" me.

    Gawd I love this religion!!

  • Mythbuster

    It's in the May 15th secret edition. I got it from the jw site.

  • daniel-p

    Thanks, mythbuster, i got it now. There are some real turds in here.

    First we have an example of King David "grieving" God's Spirit by commiting adultery:

    "Grieving the spirit can be the first step
    leading to the total loss of the influence of
    God’s active force in a Christian’s life. That
    this is possible is evident from what David
    said after he had sinned in connection with
    Bath-sheba.David repentantly begged Jehovah:
    “Do not throw me away from before
    your face; and your holy spirit O do not
    take away from me."

    Then we have a most apt example of a brother "grieving" God's Spirit by some "bad music."

    "Even in private, we could be tempted to
    do something displeasing to God. For instance,
    a brother may have been listening to
    questionable music. Eventually, his conscience
    becomes troubled because of ignoring
    Bible counsel presented in publications
    of “the faithful and discreet slave.” (Matt.
    24:45) He may pray about this problem and
    may recall Paul’s words recorded at Ephesians
    4:30. Firmly determined to do nothing
    thatwould grieveGod’s spirit, he resolves to
    avoid questionable music from now on.
    Jehovah will bless the spirit the brother
    shows. Therefore, let us constantly guard
    against grieving God’s spirit."

    The juxtaposition of those two examples is amazing. If it takes King David till after he screwed Bathsheeba to be afraid of losing God's spirit, I don't think listening to "bad music" is high on God's radar of offensive behavior.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    How did I know before reading any of this thread that the WT article would mention Matt 24:45 and the FDS?

  • Mythbuster
    We must be truthful. According to Ephesians 4:25, Paul wrote: "Now that you have put away falsehood, speak truth each one of you with his neighbor, because we are members belonging to one another." Since we are united as "members belonging to one another," we certainly should not be devious or deliberately try to mislead our fellow worshippersthose we meet in field service, for that is the same as lying to them. Any who were to persist in such a course would end up having no relationship with God. -Read Proverbs 3:32.

    Fixed that paragraph.

  • BluesBrother

    Firmly determined to do nothing that would grieve God’s spirit, he resolves to avoid questionable music from now on."

    Oh yes ? I was more in this category of Witness , elder or not :-

    "First time I heard the music
    I thought it was my own
    I could feel it in my heartbeat
    I could feel it in my bones
    My momma thinks I'm crazy
    My dad says I'm insane
    I got this boogie woogie fever
    That's burning in my veins

    I'll never grow up and I'll never grow old
    Blame it on the love of rock & roll

  • Pistoff

    Not only is David's crime of murder and his adultery juxtaposed with listening to "questionable" music, God himself is juxtaposed with the old men in Brooklyn.

    Let's see; our crimes? Listening to "questionable" music. Let's just say that we listen to outright violent music, or music that is overtly occult.

    Let's say that is our crime; what is the GB's? Covering up child rapists for years, and allowing your money to pay off those victimized by the perps and disfellowshiping those who blew the whistle.

    Perspective, eh?

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I find it laughable that The Almighty gives a rat's ass about what music we listen to.

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