when Jesus initiated the convenant with the eleven, and told them to do this in remembrance of me at Luke 22:19,20, and at Luke 22:30 he clarifies they will sit on thrones to Judge the twelve tribes of Isreal, but there was only eleven who broke bread and drank the cup of wine with the Christ, the twelveth one Mathias, was not selected to fill the vacancy until after the resurrection of the Christ and before the Holy Spirit was poured on Pentecost 33 CE,
the full number of the future Kings were not known until John wrote Revelation in the year 96, these ones selected by Jehovah, hold to that which was written in Luke to do this in remembrance,
those selected and partake, know Jehovah, for Jehovah has touched them with is Spirit and they come to know that, Holy, Holy, Holy is Jehovah of Armies and by this annoiting they know the truth, 1 John 2:20,21,
the selection process continues to this day, when the four winds are released upon the sea, trees, and earth as fortold at Revelation 7:3, then we will know the the selection of the 144,000 is complete,
recall the Bible denotes the satanic governments through out human history as: tree, sea and earth
all other christians who are not selected for this future admininstration appear in respect to Jehovah and his Son the Christ,
Jehovah has given us free will, the decision is ours whether to appear or not,
as the Isreal of old came together for the passover to commemorate their salvation by Jehovah, we as christians out of respect for and obedience to Jehovah and his son Jesus should make an appearance to commemorate our personal salvation by Jehovah.