Is it my imagination or is there more Apostasy about?

by freddo 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • darthfader

    We have better tools and methods of communitation with the Internet and this forum.. So I think it's two-fold. An increase in ones seeing "the light" and leaving and the ability for them to easily come to places like JWN..

    Darth Fader

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    I think it's not just your imagination. After reading about the "Mill Hill" disfellowshippings on this site, I recently overheard talk about six (6) elders being removed 'for apostasy' in a congregation I cannot name because it may out me. This from people who are loathe to even speak about such matters. Apparently this has had a somewhat discouraging effect on the entire area. I believe this is happening with increasing frequency; it's just that we all don't hear about the individual instances. However, headquarters knows about EACH AND EVERY INSTANCE and is sure to spot the trend. TIPPING POINT, here we come!

  • Heaven

    Last year, the CO for my Dad's area told them that "The young people are leaving in droves." ( Yay! )

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Six in one congregation? Holy cow, how many elders did they have left afterwards?

  • zoiks

    they are "apostates" from mankind

    Exactly, WF! We "apostates" are simply re-joining humanity.

    But in their legalese, I do believe that "apostasy" is beginning to snowball.

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    It's an APOSTASY PANDEMIC! Mad Sweeney, I think the situation was so bad, they had to bring in elders from elsewhere to re'balance' the congregation...

  • Hortenzie

    Yeah, let's call them apostates. It fits well. And we can call ourselves "heretics"! Heresy literaly means "choice".

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Back in the day the local body could have taken that KH, converted the congregation, and started a new church.

    Today, the KH most likely belongs to the WTS and the local brothers who paid for it are powerless to do run it the way they choose.

  • dissed

    Sure, its growing if you look at the posters here and what they are saying.

    But I also think the pages of the WT are confirming that as well.

    The GB of the WT have become almost paranoid in defending there self appointed position of authority. They have become completely insecure and have deluded themselves into thinking they REALLY are God's mouth piece in the time of the end. Its seems you can't read a page of the WT without a reference to their authority.

    As someone said earlier, its become almost like creature worship, what they have been demanding from the JW faithful.

    Compare that to JC's humble approach of letting his example show who he was.

    As we used to say at Bethel, when a person boasted too much, they had an 'I' problem.

  • JWoods

    I agree with dissed.

    The current paranioa with GB authority may have some stabilizing effect on the long-time R & F (people who would never think of leaving anyway), but I really think it must be driving away many of the young who have issues with this organization even on just personal freedoms. Many of these will later learn about the logical and doctrinal difficulties from internet or otherwise.

    It certainly must be a large enough number of the new "generation" of JWs for the old guard GB to be concerned over - by reference to their constant harping on obedience.

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