Do you prefer to sit on the pew in a church or on the regular Kingdom Hall seat?

by asilentone 28 Replies latest jw experiences

  • BurnTheShips

    BTS, describe the pews in your church. very comfortable? tell me about it.

    They are pews, but they are upholstered with thick padding. The only thing a Kingdom Hall seat has on them is arm rests. I've seen other churches with bare wood pews, of course.

    But let's face it, I sat in Kingdom Halls for much longer periods of time than I have ever had to sit for a church service, regardless of denomination, or even religion (Reformed Temple).


  • mrsjones5

    And I don't have to wear a dress.

  • BurnTheShips

    I don't have to wear a suit. I often go in wearing shorts, a golf shirt, and flip flops. Beats the hell out of monkey suits.


  • RosePetal

    The church I am going to has very comfortable chairs and there is tea and coffee refreshments afterwards, they also provided a two course meal after the alpha course and cake and goodies after other bible discusions at the church. And yeah I don't have to wear a dress.

  • LongHairGal

    From what I remember of church, I think a pew is better. For one thing, I remember you could put your feet on the kneel rest in front of you and even though this isn't the purpose of the kneel rest, I like to put my feet somewhere when I get antsy. In the hall you would have to put your feet on the bar of the seat in front of you.

  • JeffT

    I prefer the rocking chair in my living room with a football or baseball game on.

  • spawn

    I wouldn't waste my time with either of them, the pub has the best seats and Bacchus is the only true God!

  • sd-7

    If it's like, the Catholic pew, for Mass, (1) if nobody shows up, you got leg room. (2) No meeting bag to bring. (3) It's over in 35 minutes. In that case....

    Pew it is.


  • leec

    Is this a serious question?

    I love the pews in old cathedrals because they are often dimly lit, and have tall end panels next to which you can completely disappear. Brightly lit steel-tube seating is depressing to me, and reminds me of a waiting room or a reception area in a doctor's office. Then combine that with pastel blue suits, smelly perfume, perfectly groomed hair and spring bonnets, and I just don't want to live anymore.

    By the way - the RC church I went to with my family, growing up, was originally a real church with pews, one of those relatively small post-war jobs made of brick with the unadorned white columns outside - you see them all over the East serving all sorts of different Christian faiths.

    Then, about when I started high school, they needed to expand as the congregation had grown, so they purchased property across town and built a "parish center", complete with individual steel-tube seating, oak trim, nasty little eletric console organ; the works.

    The moral of the story ... Same church - different seating. Capiche?

  • xbro

    pews anyday! heres the local church i attend:

    StMartins xmas day 09

    as the parish encompases 4 older parishes each week is in a diferent one on a 4 week cycle,the history in these English chrches is incredable one being built in the 14th centuary.

    the services ar good the sermons short and informative and funny at times. tea and coffie at the back afterwards ooh yes and biscuits!

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