metal health problems in the organisation

by looloo 21 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Gayle

    So many JWs are depressed and are waiting for the 'quick fix' new world coming soon. Then, when they are taught it is "so much worse out there in the old world," then they are way too fearful to leave, in fear, that they couldn't deal with even 'more' or deeper depression.

  • ziddina

    looloo, you asked, "are people mentally ill because of that cult or does it attract the mentally ill...?"

    Both, I think... As others have experienced, I, too, was extremely depressed - even suicidal - while a JW. When I left, the depression basically left and has never returned - at least, not at anywhere near the level that I experienced while "in".

    My brother, who is still "in", has been put on suicide watch more than once, and my father - still "in" - has had to be hospitalized for extreme depression at least three times during his time as a JW, to the extent that he had to undergo electroshock therapy... My mother, who is a vicious manipulator, has been addicted to 'uppers' and 'downers' for decades, during her ongoing time as a JW...

    As several have pointed out, an organization that promises "hope" tends to attract people who are desperately in need of hope... Which makes the false hope that the WTBTS holds out, even more cruel...

    However, if you'd care to check out some of these articles on Wikipedia about "double-bind [communication]", especially in conjunction with schizophrenia, you may recognize some of the "double-bind" communications used by the WTBTS... :

    I am so sorry to hear about your daughter... One must be so alert with regards to one's children. The most horrific aspect of that sort of situation is the fact that the typical pedophile will work at getting past the parents' defenses - lull them into the idea that he/she is "safe", in order to strike at their children...


  • RosePetal

    Hi looloo

    I have sent you a PM.

  • grewupjw1969

    Hey RosePetal,

    I agree with you, I have a friend who is on her way out. Her child is austic and she was told by her J-Dub "friends" that it was due to her lack of faith.

  • xbro

    i recon it makes em ans attracts em! i have suffered depression most my life because of the jw's,i hope to be free totally oneday!

  • cry

    Hi Looloo, my ex has had very bad anxiety and depression and had to give up work at one point. He says it is because when we were together and I didn't believe, it caused him terrible stress. So, now we are separated, I wonder what will happen. I almost wish his panic and stress will come back, just to prove that it's not me, it's the org. and all his twisted beliefs, but at the same time, I wouldn't wish it on anybody. I would say that cult=mental illness in a lot of cases.

  • ziddina

    Cry, if the things I've seen in various congregations is anything to go by, eventually your "ex's" troubles will come back again... As it is, it sounds like he's "putting on a false face" right now to 'cover' up... Of course, some JWs and KH environments tend to 'skitter' away from - view as "weak" - those JWs who ARE having mental/emotional troubles...

    Which eventually will cover at least 95% of them... Zid

  • cskyjw.sun

    i am a bipolar

  • Luo bou to
    Luo bou to

    The world is so baaad your only hope for happiness is the new system. Living with that mindset is enough to make anyone depressed

  • Heaven

    looloo... realizing we've been deceived in life is very difficult to deal with when we've trusted someone or something so completely. The JWs claim that they are God's people is destroyed by a number of things including the abuse that goes in within the congregations. We suffer an enormous spiritual slap down. How can this be of a loving, higher power? It does, however, teach us valuable lessons. It is a sad thing that your daughter had to suffer so, as well as yourself. (((( loo loo and daughter ))))

    Years ago, I remember visiting with my parents and asking my Mom about my cousin. She is a beautiful woman but unfortunately a JW. She has suffered a lot in life, and has chronic depression.

    I asked my Mom: "If (beautiful cousin) has such a wonderful, joyous hope because she is a JW, why is she so depressed?"

    My Mom didn't have an answer.

    My Mom also suffered from depression and now my Dad does too.

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