Did you get hit with the "There is nothing better out there" argument?

by lepermessiah 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • lepermessiah

    I wish I had a dollar for everytime I heard that lately.

    "Your concerns are very valid, but there is nothing else out there"

    "Well, its not perfect - but I'm telling you, there is nothing else out there"

    "Yes, the organization is full of problems, but you have to understand - there is nothing else out there"

    "I agree with everything you said, but there is nothing else out there"

    The depressing part is that these people I love TRULY believe there is nothing else out there.

    Meanwhile, I am thinking "If the JW's are as good as it gets, we are all screwed!"

  • blondie

    I would just use the poison in the water, would you drink it if it were only a small amount, illustration. jws use that in regard to other religions but never apply it to their own. (most have never looked to see if there is something else out there and why it why would have to be an organized religion, what religion did Noah, Abraham, Job, etc., belong to?)

  • Chalam

    How would they know "what is out there"?

    If they went to a church for a few Sundays to check it out they would get disfellowshipped.



  • Chalam

    How would they know "what is out there"?

    If they went to a church for a few Sundays to check it out they would get disfellowshipped.



  • dissed

    They do a very good job of creating the illusion that there is nothing else out there.

    Constantly running down everything non-JW.

    As my wife said, they make it very hard to view anything fairly again.

  • JWoods
    As my wife said, they make it very hard to view anything fairly again.

    Ed Dunlap used to say the same thing to me - the whole witness experience was so bizarre that it makes it nearly impossible for an ex-JW to view anything religious again without a high degree of skepticism.

    This, he thought, was one of the greatest harms to WT had done to people: The destruction of their faith by bad example.

    I know that it left me in a state of non-religious contentment - not knowing, not needing, not caring about religion any longer.

  • Olin Moyles Ghost
    Olin Moyles Ghost

    Yes, all the time. It's an effective thought-stopping technique. In fact, I used it on myself for years.

    Some have told me "well, nobody else is right." My response was: "remove the 'else' from that sentence and I'll agree with you 100%."

    The reason this thought-stopping technique works so well is two-fold. First, it's a nifty twist of John 6:68 where Peter asked Jesus "to whom shall we go, because you [Jesus] have sayings of everlasting life." The Society cleverly applies this scripture to the Society. Thus, when Witnesses make such statements, they honestly feel that they are applying a scriptural principle.

    The second reason this technique works so well is that it takes advantage of a built-in assumption that Witnesses already have. That assumption is that God must have an organization through which he is working today. They reason that if the WT Society isn't that organization, what else could it be?

    As most of us know, this is a false premise. That false premise can be deconstructed as follows. It would work best if your issue with the Society relates to 1914/607/end-times matters. (note that I don't hold any delusions that this would actually convince your garden-variety brain-dead Witness of anything, but if the person is honest and open-minded it could help).

    • Point out that God has not always had an organization. Who could it have been between, say, A.D. 150 and 1850?
    • So, if someone studied the Bible in 1420 and realized that the Catholic church was teaching false doctrines, should he have stayed because there was 'nowhere else to go'? Of course not.
    • So, what makes today (2010) any different? The JWs will say that it's different because it's the "Last Days."
    • So, if we're not really in the Last Days there's not necessarily a single organization, is there?
  • Finally-Free

    I got hit with that. My response was, "How do you know? You've been a JW all your life. You'vre never experienced anything else."


  • wobble

    Thanks OM's Ghost, succinctly put, and filed for future use !

    By the way, if Olin's compensation awarded by the court all those years ago and I believe,never paid by the WBT$ , finally gets paid, do you get to claim it ?

    The other twist I had on this "Nothing better out there" idea, from my Sister, was "It is the best way of life". out of kindness I simply replied "Then your definition and mine of the best way of life are VERY different."



  • RosePetal

    Hi leppermessiah Yes my parents used it on me all my life then like olyn moyles ghost I used it on myself and then found myself doing it to my hubby I think we were brainwashed into all using it on each other. All other christian denominations are so demonised as chalam said you wouldn't dare go and try out another church I had been invited by some of my calls who often invited me in to go to their church but i wouldn't have dared you could be disfellowshipped.

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