Thank you for your replies. Misery, I think you are correct in that there are many more lurking and on the edges, playing the game for whatever reason they need to. I would say it's quite possible that even you fit in that catagory. I appreciate you chiming in, sharing your observations from the inside. The couple you mentioned that would fake a study or some other activity, that was totally me, for most of my life. I never felt like the "ministry" was a life saving work, it felt like a forced-farce activity, and I hated it. Always hated it.
Man in the middle, I too can't post on my phone. I'm hopeful that the new site will allow this. sisters and parents fit into this "put too much into the promises to allow myself to think differently now" class. For them it'd be misery for them to leave. Jehovah fixed them, you know? He did! He made my father no longer a molester, and he helped my sisters forgive and forget, and move on and still have a close relationship with my father! Jehovah did it...isn't he amazing? Take that away, and well then they've just all been fools.
Poopsiecakes...I just love your name, and thanks for replying :) And for "getting it".