Controversy on the ice!! Canadian Hockey women drinking beer!!!!!!

by dissed 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • shamus100

    Leave this to Fox News. They can't keep the public's attention for six seconds, so make the story short, sweet, and above all, trashy.

  • undercover

    It's HOCKEY for gawd's of the real he-men, er, tough guy, er, tough person sports. I say good on em for celebrating the way a hockey player should celebrate.

  • Finally-Free

    Molsons! BLECH!!! With all of the great beers brewed here in Canada, why drink Molsons? I'd much rather have a Sleemans, Creemore, Wellington, or Algonquin splashing around in my gut.

    As for the IOC, they should STFU and quit acting like whiny little shits. They should be glad we let them come here.


  • dissed

    This had to be the best line in the article:

    Steve Keough, a spokesman for the Canadian Olympic Committee, said the COC had not provided the alcohol nor initiated the party.

    "In terms of the actual celebration, it's not exactly something uncommon in Canada," he said.

    He must know Outlaw!

  • shamus100

    So what's the news story?

    Oh wait! Fox News. My bad.

  • dissed

    Shamus -

    Its an AP article, but it does have a Rupert Murdoch's style, no?

    Actually, my version of them dancing around nude would be more like the way Fox would do it.


    The Canadian Way to Celebrate a GOLD MEDAL!!..

    Cigars and Beer!!!..

    I spot a Molson Canadian and a Coors..

    In Canada..USA Beer is considered a Non-Alcohol beverage...LOL!!

    Those look like hand rolled Cuban Cigars..


    Anyone who does`nt like the way Canadians Celebrate a Gold Medal..

    Can go "Suck a Hockey Puck!!"..

    ............................ ...OUTLAW

  • shamus100

    Its an AP article, but it does have a Rupert Murdoch's style, no?

    I don't understand U.S. Rupert Murdoch's tea-baggers weird acronym bullshit. I thank god each and every day that we don't take politics so seriously up here.

    If we had all that nonsense going on up here we'd all go to parliament and throw Presidents Choice Beer at the building until they changed things.

  • JWoods
    If we had all that nonsense going on up here we'd all go to parliament and throw Presidents Choice Beer at the building until they changed things.

    I assume that these girls are disqualified from future political office on the same grounds you applied to Sarah Palin?

  • shamus100

    I wouldn't let those girls run my country!

    They need to get an internet degree on politics before you can run for office up here. Plus our Parliament drinks beer when they debate, often ending in a free-for-all brawl and a bunch of my crying, hugging, yelling "I love you man... I love you!!"

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