an old friend who knew i had always been "searching for truth" told me to read chapter 111 if nothing else , i did , and i dont know if im more scared than when i was in the cult or feel better for reading it (the latter, i think ) he said i should read the davinci code ,angels and demons , then the lost symbol but i feel guilty for reading stuff like that (you can take the girl out the truth but not the truth out the girl ) has anyone else read these books or knows about chapter 111 when it talks of revalation in the bible ?
dan browns the lost symbol , i was told to read it !
by looloo 13 Replies latest jw experiences
I only read the Da Vinci code, so I can't discuss those views, but I see Dan Brown as a pulp fiction writer, nothing more. I find his allusions that his stories have more to them than simple fiction a distasteful sensationalist way of promotion.
If you have a mind set on conspiracies, read Umberto Eco's Foucault Pendulum, it's a slap on the wrist for all conspiracy-theorists out there. And it's a pretty good read too.
It is fiction......nothing more, nothing less spun around the Vatican.
Da Vinci.... think about a novel spun about the WTS that has fictional accounts of secret societies who battle each other over who are the apostates and who are the true sons. One group wants to keep authority because they feel their way is best even if flawed because it offers consistency, the other say the pursuit of 'pure religion' is all that matters even if it means re-writing the entire WTS thelogy........
Angels/Demons-- now think about a WTS who done-it! A GB member is dead, natural causes are listed but and up and coming anointed thinks different. He summons an outsider expert to help him determine foul play in the GB's death, in the mean time some other Zone Overseers and DOs are being taken right before DC season , cryptic messages, a plot to harm the WTS directly and the unraveling of whys, hows, and whos...... is it the evil JWN apostates, Satan himself, or an inside job?......
Haven't started 'Lost Symbol' so I don't know what to compare it too...... but like the others it is just a story. There is no Satanic stuff in the end it is always a man (men) behind the happenings someone or persons with something to gain or to keep.
Renember: a book, movie or song about demons or Satan, is not Satanic, it just talks about is and most of the time it's pure fiction.
The bible also talks about demons and Satan and it's not Satanic either.
It's jut an other way for the WBTS to have mind controll....
Go to Dan Brown's website and have a look around.
You'll figure out in a few minutes if his books are for you.
It is a very interesting, complicated and unusual website.
I've read both Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons. Entertaining twaddle. It's pure fiction and even many of the 'facts' are really fiction. The Lost Symbol won't be any different. Don't take anything about it too seriously and enjoy it for what it is - a good yarn.
Dan Brown writes books for coffee breaks or people of little inteligence, just take it on a par with Harry Potter.
Most of his peers laugh at his work!!
I loved the first two books. LOVED them. The Lost Symbol...not so much. Nothing scary about any of them..VERY entertaining. If you read only the third book and not all three it may not have any impact at all because they are all kinda connected by the mysteries surrounding the Freemasons and symbology and lost treasure and whether or not Christ was single.
Dont be skeered :)
Dan is a good story teller and that's all there is to it. He takes a fact or two and then blows it out of proportion which is apparently rather dangerous for people who can't separate fantasy from reality. In fact, if anything what reactions to his stories had shown to me is just how many people can easily be put in a semi-hypnotic state as long as you play on stereotypes in their minds, you can either make them feel gross or enchanted at will. Heck you can put an act, they can be staring you into the face and still think what their minds are experiencing is the gospel truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. If that were the case magician's tricks would never work, but they do because minds of many are too lazy to investigate the real the facts for themselves.
Dan is a writer of fictions, fantasy novels, albeit skillfully embedding them in the real world but fantasies nontheless. Mind you there are 'conspiracies' if you want to put it that way, out there that are skillfully hidden in plain sight while people are gullibly feasting on fantasy missdirection, but ... nevermind. -
Married to the Mob
I have read all his books except the lost symbol! They are great travel books.
He is very good at mixing facts with fiction.