"It is our Personal Responsibility to Turn In People who are Sinning"

by WalkTall 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • WalkTall

    At the last two meetings I have been to, two brothers mentioned in their parts that we have a personal responsibility to turn in someone we know who is involved in wrongdoing. They both said we need to do this out of love and because we could also lose our own relationship with Jehovah if we fail to do so.

    It struck how odd this all is. Here we are, grown adults with no real obligation to tell these yokels what's going on in our own lives, much less anyone else's, but we sit there like grade school students whose teacher wants someone to stand up and be the tattletail. "Now, class, unless someone tells me who threw that spitball, you will all miss recess".

    Now that I am fully aware of their manipulations, it just seems so strange that JW's so easily acquiesce their privacy and that of others to people who have no business having any say in their life. And that expression 'turn in' sounds so 'law and order', like we are dealing with criminal activity. It's just another one of those things that makes me think that if that was my first meeting and I heard this stuff, I would think these people are nuts.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    I can see it both ways, but the biggest problem is most of the time the report of wrongdoing is simply a conscience matter of the other person. The "snitch" either (1)doesn't like the person, (2)wants their conscience to dictate the morality of the matter, (3)is just a busybody with some other agenda.

    Think About It

  • journey-on

    I could never turn in somebody. I would justify it by thinking of the scripture that talks about Jehovah bringing the secret things of darkness to light. "Let Jehovah take care of it in his own due time" was my thought.

  • minimus

    The "free flow of Jehovah's holy spirit" might be affected.

  • journey-on

    LOL...minimus, your post reminded me of one of my old congregations when I was a teenager. We were so full of fervor. Whenever it seemed that meeting attendance was slipping and field service time was down, the gossip was always going around that "Jehovah's spirit was being hindered". Someone must be being naughty! Uh-oh! Was it me? Was I thinking about that worldly boy at school too much?!! Was I the one causing all this trouble? (Oh, the guilt you had to live with!)

  • minimus

    We used to give talks urging "sinners" to come forward.

  • undercover
    The "free flow of Jehovah's holy spirit" might be affected.

    Ya know...it just kinda hit me just how absurd that whole concept was. We were led to believe that if one or two people were able to hide their sins then the whole congregation would suffer because Jehovah's spirit would be withheld.

    What a crock of shit. (actually a cult tactic but I like to vent...)

    If God is all powerful, all knowing he would know who was sinning. Why would he need to withhold his spirit from an entire congregation of non-sin-hiders because of a couple of scofflaws?

    Is his holy spirit like rain, in that he can't direct who it will or won't fall on, so just to be safe he turns off the faucet to that congregation?

    God, were we fucking stupid or what...

  • Terry

    Nazi Germany would have agreed.

    Nazi Youth were instructed of their duty to turn in parents and family if they ever spoke a word of criticism of the 3rd Reich or the Fuhrer.

    The one thing a dictatorship cannot tolerate is free expression of dissent.

    Supression of the individual is equated with "duty".

    There can be no loyal opposition in a regime which uses Authority to control the group.

    I expect someday that there will be a JW uniform and insignia in black leather for the elders to wear.

    A greeting and salute will soon follow.

  • chickpea
  • pixiesticks

    We were told that if we didn't tell on 'sinners' then we'd be blood-guilty if they didn't make it through Armagedon and we might not make it through either.

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