Did you personally feel like you actually belonged to the worldwide brotherhood? Did you feel special, as if you were part of something truly extraordainary?
When You Were A Witness Did You Feel YOU Were Part Of The "Brotherhood"?
by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends
No, mostly I felt ignored.
Mad Sweeney
Not extraordinary, but I have benefitted from help from JW strangers while running into difficulty traveling. It's no different from being able to call a fraternity brother anywhere in the world, though.
I knew a few JWs that really thought they were part of something special! They kinda bragged about their status, truly believing they were a special people.
Any feeling of that sort was fleeting...like an afterglow after a DC that lasted no more than a day.
Yes totally believed it hook, line and sinker
I didn't have any delusions about the fact that there were plenty a$$holes in the borg but I was convinced we were a chosen people regardless
I think when people are accepted into a group they believe they are special. It's always been all hype to me!
Not me - I always felt apart from it to some degree. Much more toward the last, but even as a brainwashed kid I never felt 100% in it.
Yes we did. We also traveled extensively always with visiting the JW's. Unfortunately, you would come back home from travel and be reminded how 'unspeacial' most really were.