How did you respond?

by Simon Morley 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon Morley
    Simon Morley

    We have not attended any meetings for several months now as we continue our fade. How have you dealt with the nosey parkers who hold the territory that you live in and insist on "dropping by". First it was the family that holds the card and then a coule of other familes as they work our territory.

    I am tired of not answering the door (they know we are home) and need a cute but not revealing comeback to the "We miss you at the meetings" line. I am sure we are the target for tomorrow....

  • nugget

    My husband says to nosey parkers

    "Thank you for your concern, we are dealing with some personal issues at the moment but we know where you are if we need you so there is no need to call. Thank you again. goodbye."

    You don't need to explain yourself. In fairness they think they are being loving shepherds but for us faders they are a total pain you have my sympathy. By keeping it light and friendly you don't jeopardise your fade.

  • blondie

    "Thank you for your concern, we are dealing with some personal issues at the moment but we know where you are if we need you so there is no need to call. Thank you again. goodbye."

    That's what we say too. It probably kills them because jws are some of the nosiest people in the world and what they can't find out, they make up.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    If you missed me that much, why has it taken so long to contact me? I'd appreciate a call before dropping by unannounced, too.

  • Simon Morley
    Simon Morley

    Thanks Nugget: Yes, you are right - keep it at a very high level and not give anything away. I know that it must "puzzle" them and they are eager to hear what the reasons are, especially given that 18 months ago I was the COBE, CA/SAD/DC parts, on the DC Convention Committee and active in the RBC. We started our gradual fade in September 09 and stopped 100% in January this year. Easier on my wife, but hard to take the JW out of me I am afraid.

  • superpunk

    I've just said "Oh yeah, that's nice" and move on to the next bit. Talk to them about something non-cult related.

    "Oh that's nice. How have you guys been doing? I'm planning a vacation for the summer and having a nice relaxing morning getting some things done around the house. Slept in til around 10 then woke up and made some eggs and sipped coffee til 11."

    ok maybe you don't have to rub it in THAT much. ;)

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Why? Did you lose my phone number? You obviously have my address, so why torture yourself like that by not contacting me when you "missed me soooo much?"

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Why do you miss me?

  • RosePetal

    Hi simon have you read the amazing story of jay walters on freeminds and how he tried to fade it took him about six years in the end but it was such a good story he was partaking of the emblems and had a family he managed over the six years to encourage them all out of the org. my hubby and I were glued and on the edge of our seats. He was trying to read Ray franz crisis of c. and had to keep hiding its was like something out of a spy thriller. He was always evading elders and callers. It was one of the first things I read on freeminds we were captivated. We started a fade where we lived for a while a managed to avoid callers and responded like blondie and nugget and then we moved which made it easier. we were determined to do it our way.

  • chickpea

    i swear i have said this, back in the day, about 2 yrs ago

    "we have been missing you at meetings"

    "well, here's hoping that improves for ya"

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