Armageddon is just around the corner -bet you this is mentioned in a few Public Talks tomorrow
by cameo-d 61 Replies latest jw friends
Oh yeah..when I got home this morning at 6am from work and saw this on TV my FIRST THOUGHT was the JWs are gonna LOVE this!! "Earthquakes in one place after another...." Great fodder for the door to door today. "Have you SEEN THE NEWS??? The WORLD IS COMING TO AN END!!!!" echo echo echo
Not much of a tsunami... The earthquake epicenter was too far away from the coast; little to no ocean-floor deformation [as opposed to the 2004 underwater, ocean-floor earthquake that generated waves up to 100 feet high...], and no accompanying major landslide that could have also generated a large wave...
But, for the sake of the oceanside countries, I'm glad it was a false alarm - to an extent. Seems that it ripped up the Ventura County, Calif., buoys... Zid
Stilla: "Armageddon is just around the corner -bet you this is mentioned in a few Public Talks tomorrow"
It is my contention that this physically destructive "Armageddon" will be a contrived event. The bible never says anything about any battle of Armageddon. This is a complete lie. It does talk about a spiritual battle of good and evil and that is what we are engaged in right now by exposing the liars and their methods of manipulation.
The maji of old were sorcerers. They knew how to read weather patterns, they observed signs in animals that indicated disease, and one thing they were particularly good at was knowing their herbs and plants---which meant they were also 'medicine men'. These sorcerers lived "close to the earth" and that's one way they gained knowledge. Knowledge was also passed down through lineage--- that was part of the 'birthright' inheritance of the firstborn. These sorcerer-prophets also became spoiled to wealth and power because they were employed by kings and rulers for their knowledge.
We still have the maji in this day and age. They are the techno wizards. I will divulge more about this in some upcoming threads. I have all ideas we are going to see some fantastic light shows as they attempt to kill us off and pass it off as gods doing. We are destined to win this time. I have no doubt there will be some "wag the dog" footage and newscasts. Don't accept everything on face value. They may cut communications in some areas and tell you the place is underwater when it is not. They can easily turn technology in their favor to try to fool us.
I believe that even long ago evil methods were used for personal gain and that any corroborating evidence has been kept secret from the public. This is why any professional society requires taking an oath not to release accurate information that has not been sanctioned and approved by the society. It is highly possible and very likely that explosives were placed in the fault lines to cause the destruction that came to be known as Sodom and Gomorrah and I have explored that in a past thread. The opening of that fault line, in all probability brought about the birth of the Dead Sea. Since the time of Herod and Cleopatra, those ruling families took possession of those bitumen pits in that area and have become very wealthy from tar pitch (for ship building) and oil. No doubt, similar, but more sophisticated methods, are still employed today.
There seems to be a consistent pattern with many of these quakes as far as the depth and the radius being consistent. This is not normal. It is said to be related to HAARP. Go ahead and tell me to put on my tin foil hat...but it is the skeptics who ask questions and dig for real answers. Look at some medieval paintings and you will see that the adepts always had shining heads, too. Those were not halos. It was (gold) tin foil.
Huge difference...................!
Good Govt Saves Lives Chile:300 Haiti:200,000
by Chrisfs [Subscribe]
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Sat Feb 27, 2010 at 07:12:41 PM PST
If there was ever a starker example on how a good government and strong regulations saves lives, it is the comparison between the damage and death in Hait and Chile.
Haiti's earthquake was 7.0 and resulted in 200,000 deaths. Chile's earthquake was 8.8 or about 500 times greater and resulted in about 300 deaths.
It's early for the Chilean quake,so more deaths may be reported but it's 1,000 times LESS deaths for a quake 500 times GREATER.
Why is this?Some factors are geographical and thus unavoidable, Chile's earthquake was deeper and further offshore, Haiti was closer to land. Haiti has a denser population. But one big factor is that Chile has better government.
Chile has building codes that require earthquake safety be built in and those codes are enforced."When you look at the architecture in Chile you see buildings that have damage, but not the complete pancaking that you've got in Haiti," said Cameron Sinclair, executive director of Architecture for Humanity, a 10-year-old nonprofit that has helped people in 36 countries rebuild after disasters.
Sinclair said he has architect colleagues in Chile who have built thousands of low-income housing structures to be earthquake resistant.
In Haiti, by contrast, there is no building code.
Patrick Midy, a leading Haitian architect, said he knew of only three earthquake-resistant buildings in the Western Hemisphere's poorest country.
Even if building codes are considered 'too expensive' and 'restrictive to free enterprise', there are other ways good government helps. Chile had a better infrastructure, not just better roads and hospitals, but an organized response plan.
Chileans are well versed in what to do during earthquakes, with drills part of every child’s schooling. "Just in case" attitudes, which might seem obsessive in other parts of the world, are the norm here. One woman says she turns off the gas valve every time she leaves the house, just in case a quake strikes when she is out.
The Chilean National Emergency Office, which coordinates emergency responses, stresses that Chile is among the world’s most seismic. On its website the agency spells out how to prepare in the event of an earthquake.
It's a stark lesson for politicians who crusade for 'less government'.
Another very big factor: population density of Chile is 17 people per sq kilometer. In Haiti its 468.
I think where we'll really see the difference in governments will be the level of response (Haiti = nearly zero locally) and the amount of outside aid needed.
More tsunami videos on Youtube:
Here is the tsunami reaching the Philippines: