Please welcome my sister!

by mjarka911 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • mjarka911

    Although she has posted once here herself (Ange 2.0), I would like to introduce everyone to my sister Ange. Up until a week ago, I had not spoken to her for 5+ years after I DA'd. We are both 3rd generation with hard core parents (just hard core attitudes, not hard core JW activity). When I left, she urged me to "come to my senses and return to Jehovah." Since that time, she has had a wonderful boy who is bright, loving and curious. As a dedicated mother, she began to be disturbed by what she was required to teach him.

    It's one thing to swallow the tripe yourself. It's entirely another to have to pass it on to another generation that is the center of your life. If you recall, that was exactly what prompted me to take a hard look at my beliefs after 34 years.We are both from the Chicago area and hopefully she will be meeting many of you at the local Metups for support and encouragement.

    Just a word to all those with family still trapped: Don't give up hope. I sat here year after year reading many of your wonderful experiences of family escaping the cult and thought it would never happen to me. But it did and now I have my baby sister out and a wonderful nephew I had never met.

    Life is a funny old dog.


  • dissed

    Great news! Have fun getting to renew your relationship.

    "Never give up! Never surrender!" - Capt. ' dissed' Taggert, Galaxy Quest

  • OnTheWayOut

    Great to hear this. Welcome, to mjarka911's sister, Ange 2.0. I have met your brother and maybe will meet you one day. Shortly, you will be so positive about your decisions.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Good for you both!

    Chicago, eh? I've been known to visit that place...

  • poopsiecakes

    Welcome to the board, Ange 2.0

    And mjarka911, it's fantastic that you're reunited with your sister. I'm 90% happy for you and 10% jealous...

  • BabaYaga

    WOW! What great news! Congratulations to you BOTH, have a wonderful time and celebrate the time you have catching up on all those years. How wonderful that your families have been reunited. Words cannot express how happy I am for all of you.

    Welcome, Ange 2.0! I believe I have already welcomed you, but if I have not, I apologize and heartily welcome you now.


  • jamiebowers

    Welcome! It happened to me too, and boy was it a shock!

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Welcome, Ange! Your family could use some happiness

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Wonderful news !! So great when families reunite ,I am so happy for the both of you .

    I am determined to make one of those Chicago meetups .........

  • skywho

    Wow that is sooo wonderful!!!I can't think of how wonderful it would be to have my families minds Opened.

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