Yes the new thought is increased earthquakes shows THE END IS NEAR!!!!!!!! No, it's not. Predicting "earthquakes, wars, pestilence, hunger" is like predicting the sun will rise tommorow! DURRRRR! Earths plates grind...their have been many different "pestilence"over thousands of years, there's always been wars since bible times. I just realized how EMPTY these prophecies are.
Bible Prophecies are OBVIOUS like shooting ducks in a barrell...these things always happened!
by Witness 007 10 Replies latest watchtower bible
Yes no bets on what the dubs will be speaking about on the doors at the moment. And yet the society themselves have admitted in the past that earthquakes are no greater in our time than other times in human history.
I remember when I was in whatever the bad news was at the present time, that is what I would talk about to people (sigh)
That's why many of us think a better interpretation for Jesus is that he meant
for his followers not to take such things as signs of the end for the same
reason. Those things happen all the time, so if they took them a signs they'd
be making false predictions all the time--like the JWs leaders.... -
Shooting ducks in a barrel? You need to get your fish in a row!
Aw, you're one of those people with critical thinking skills. You're no fun. HEY! What about Nostradamas and Planet X n stuff? We're all gonna DIE in 2012! HOORAY!
Saint Martin the Gullible -
Witness 007
I predict in the future I may get wrinkles and a bad back......praise me! Be my follower!
That's why many of us think a better interpretation for Jesus is that he meant
for his followers not to take such things as signs of the end for the same
reason. Those things happen all the time, so if they took them a signs they'd
be making false predictions all the time--like the JWs leaders....glenster, thanks for saying this..never thought of it that way before.
"glenster, thanks for saying this..never thought of it that way before.".....Flowerpetal
Yup...good way to put it...
I predict in the future I may get wrinkles and a bad back......praise me! Be my follower!
I bow to Witness 007. I will follow thee into the wilderness of age and offer great sacrafice of thanksgiving to the great and powerful wrinkle God. Thank you Witness 007 for showing me the way.