SOON is a baloney sliced too thin. WHAT DOES 'SOON' really mean??

by Terry 24 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Terry

    Quentin, that ROAD DOES NOT END picture you've created would make a great Tshirt or coffee mug.

    Ever think of doing something like that?

  • Quentin

    Yup...have several I'd like to put on T shirts...will too...

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    It's time to fire that watchmen I really hate hearing deep in the time of the end or a sense of urgency or the time left is reduced.

  • Mary
    How can they be faulted if, in their zeal for righteousness, they allowed themselves to speculate. The important thing is that they remained on the watch! that was the line of reasoning at last year's DC

    Because according to their own literature, having "zeal" or even 'sincerety', doesn't mean squat to Jehovah:

    "...In the all-important matter of worshiping God, it is likewise true that sincerity alone does not guarantee that God is pleased with our worship. We may conscientiously believe we are doing well in this regard, yet we may be deluding ourselves.--- Watchtower January 1, 1964 p. 4 Will Sincerity Alone Please God?

    "Since the Bible was completed and "inspiration" is no longer necessary, a true prophet is one who is faithfully proclaiming what is written in the Bible.......It matters not whether he proclaims his message with deliberate, willful and malicious intent to deceive, or whether he is the blinded and deluded dupe of Satan and hence unwittingly used of him. In either case, he is a false prophet and hence the agent of Satan".----The Watchtower May 15, 1930, p 154

    "...Merely sincerely accepting and following a religious organization will not guarantee God's approval and protection through this world's end. Sincerity, conviction, or intensity of devotion will not change falsehood into truth..."----Watchtower October 15, 1960 pp. 614-615

    "A religion that teaches lies cannot be true."----Watchtower 1991 December 1, p. 7

    Of course, as we all know, that simply applies to all other religions----not the WTS.

    The definition of "soon" is:

    Main Entry: soon
    Pronunciation: \'sün, especially New England 'su?n\
    Function: adverb
    Etymology: Middle English soone, from Old English sona; akin to Old High German san immediately
    Date: before 12th century
    1 a obsolete : at once : immediately b : without undue time lapse : before long <soon after sunrise>
    2 : in a prompt manner : speedily <as soon as possible> <the sooner the better> <no sooner said than done>
    3 archaic : before the usual time
    4 : in agreement with one's choice or preference : willingly <I'd just as soon walk as drive>

    Unfortunately for the WT, the predictions that they gave with such vocal arrogance and confidence have proved them to be a bunch of liars, idiots and, according to Deuteronomy, a bunch of false prophets. The very fact that they have changed the meaning of the term "generation" yet again (last time was merely 2 years ago), reveals the depth of their desperation as well as their inability to admit they don't know what the f*ck they're talking about.

    "Soon", in the Watchtower World, has become an abstract word just like "generation" has. It means whatever they say it means and if you don't like it, there's the door. Notice how they never use a dictionary for words like "soon" and "generation"? More and more Witlesses, while wanting to remain in the religion itself, know deep down that something is seriously wrong with their interpretations. "Soon" doesn't mean anything to them anymore, and alot are resigned to the idea that they are most likely going to die in this System.

    It's truly pathetic that they can screw so many lives up with a mere word.

  • Terry

    Mary--THAT WAS HOT!!

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