I am finalizing the manuscript of my novel (if I don't get a taker soon I'm going to self-publish this summer). It concerns the inside workings of an apocalyptic cult. I'm playing a lot with language and the meaning of words, and one of the features (what I'm working on now) is some short explanatory material culled from the publications of my made up religion.
What is frigthening in how easy it is to gin up some words about any given subject and make it say anything I want it to. I can "prove" that the last days started in 1903, or make that 1933; that the end is coming in 1933, 1941, or maybe 1997, or if we show God we love Him, NOW. I can show you why you have to do everything you're told by the Apsotles of the Word of God Foundation, and by extension the Servants at your local Gathering.
If I didn't have too much personal integrity I could start my own cult in about five minutes.
Maybe that's how things like the WTBS get started somebody starts believing is own ramblings. Oh wait, L Ron Hubbard already did that.