I couldn't help noticing the WT study article this weekend, which was about cultivating love that never fails. The correct spelling of it should have been CULTivate, by the way.
The straw man of the love that the world shows was presented first--that people in the world know only romantic love, love of money, love of themselves, and love of pleasures. This was contrasted with the 'love' that JWs show, which consists of obedience to God's commandments. Frankly, obedience to commands can easily be done without genuine love being involved. Case in point, the JWs. But how can anyone suggest that they alone, above all others, know about real love? Don't these people have non-JW relatives who love them a great deal? I know I do.
Of course, I'm not one of 'them' anymore anyway, so it's a moot point. But honestly, it felt like they just mailed it in on that article. It was just filler to plug the yeartext for 2010.
I was just reading about all the different propaganda techniques, and the 'straw man' seems to be a WT favorite. How many straw men can you find in the introductions to study articles? 50? 50,000? I wonder.