With all the negativity surrounding the WBTS and it's followers, can this organisation actually survive another 100 years.
How much longer can WBTS survive before going out of business?
by african GB Member 12 Replies latest jw friends
My guess would be 14 years, 7 days, 4 hours, and 27 minutes.
Mickey mouse
My guess is that it will still be around in 50 years time but will be as different by then as it is now since 1960.
Easily. They will be around for hundreds of years....Overlapping generation teaching ya know. Maybe not as big as they are now, but they will stick around for a long time.
Think About It
The WTS has seen it's heyday. It will survive, but be a shell of it's former self.
Think About It
They're going to sell all of their Brooklyn property within the next 5-10 years.
That will solve their cash flow problems for many decades, barring large lawsuits / settlements and/or incredible financial stupidity.
The Scotsman
As long as people are willing to accept the "light is getting brighter" it will just keep going and going..........
If a teaching no longer fits - just change it and say God told the FDS/GB that it was time to get closer to the truth.
It could go on for decades easily....
Though i can see the rate of increase coming down fairly soon - the internet will be there undoing......I hope.......
Probably will wither down much like the Adventists have after their prophetic heyday. They should have enough cash for the central organization to exist for decades even if the R & F melt down to 15%.
Q:How long will the Multi Billion Dollar organization,the WBT$ be around?..
A: Longer than this Thread..
...................... ...OUTLAW
To quote P.T. Barnum:
The WBTS will survive as long as...."There's a sucker born every minute".