Letter to Mom

by Coffee House Girl 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • whythedarkness

    What a sweet and sad letter. I'm glad it helped you. I need to write one one of these days... so much to say. *sigh*

  • looloo

    thats so sad , im sorry x

  • ninja

    and this thread...hi cantleave and looloo

  • nugget

    Coffeehouse girl, very sad but don't blame yourself as if you have made a bad decision, you have made a good decision and the right decision. Your Mum has nothing to blame herself for either. She presented her belief system to you but after reviewing the evidence you have decided that this is not something you can share with her. You can still share love and affection but you will make life choices now that reflect your beliefs and ambitions. She taught you lots of good stuff which you can still use in your life whilst not choosing to follow her religon.

    The society teaches us to play the blame game, I know it's hard but try and leave it behind.

  • goldensky

    Dear CoffeeHouseGirl, what a BEAUTIFUL letter! So nicely written, so loving, so empathetic... You are a wonderful daughter and a brave person. By the way you express yourself and the things you say about your Mum, I bet she, too, is a lovable human being. All the best to both of you!

  • Coffee House Girl
    Coffee House Girl

    I thank everyone for their responces, I wrestled with "what to say" to my family for many agonizing months & did a slow "scheduled" fade for three months prior to this letter; & then quit cold turkey after comming out to everyone about leaving the borg.

    It was my hope to give those of you who are also wrestling with getting out & wanting to express the right things to your loved ones. I was afraid the right words would not come out of my mouth, so in written form, I could say what I wanted without interruption & my mom could read the letter again and again to reflect on my feelings without twisting them around.

    So thanks & good luck faders :)

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