Sigh (hugs you).
Were you raised a JW? Here is the challenge - and honestly, you will probably have to learn it the hard way (no pun intended, but while we are on the subject, use condoms, NO EXCEPTIONS.)
As a JW, you were raised to believe (or indoctrinated if you weren't born in) that sex is ONLY for committed, married people, right? So when you leave, unfortunately, that mindset goes with you. If a guy kisses you or sleeps with you - in a newbie ex-JW woman's mind - that means the strong possibility of potential love and commitment. The guys you will date do not have the same background and therefore aren't going to be approaching this from the same mental/emotional triggers you are. For them, sex is normal and natural like brushing your teeth, combing your hair, getting dressed. It is just sex, no deeper meaning than that. It is fufilling a physical need, nothing more, nothing less. They can no more understand your need to make it into something more important than that than you can understand their way of treating it as not that big of a deal.
It took me almost 2 years to really "get" that and not think I was a: too disappointing in bed so they wouldn't come back, b:inferior, inadequate, unlovable.
I think you have 2 choices - if you want to play and explore, then think of it like that. Do not expect a relationship - look at it as having different experiences for future reference. Or, if you want a relationship, a good rule of thumb (learned from my wonderful "worldly" friends) is - don't give it up for 90 days. If he has consistently dated you and been present for those 90 days, then by the time you sleep with him, you will already know if he is relationship material.