Talked to my dear cousin today (she's a jw). Her hubby (nonjw) and brother (jw) just got her on Facebook. She knows I'm on Facebook and wants to add me on her friends list. I belong to a couple of apostate groups and have quite a few exjw friends. She has several jw family members on her friends list. What can I do?
I need some FaceBook help
by mrsjones5 26 Replies latest jw friends
Actually we talk quite a bit. She a fairly liberal jw and knows that I'm not involved in the bOrg nor are my husband or my kids and she does not ever try to talk me into coming back. She's not the one I'm slightly worried's the other jw family members who may not be as liberal as she is. I'm looking for a way to block certain content from certain people.
Married to the Mob
privacy settings, you can allow some people to see everything and others to only see a limited amount
hide yourself completely and tell her that you are tired of facebook. You can still be in fb and "disappear" completely from non friends". I do not know how to do that, but I have one of my friends do that to protect himself.