My JW Friend (that i still talk to) saw on my facebook that I Got a Tattoo. emailed me very concerned about my spiritual health and offered to come to my town to take me in service and to the meetings 'cause "we're getting close to the end of all of this, Earthquakes in one place after another." She is so indoctrinated. The poor thing is stuck in a bad marriage to a "brother" than hits on all her friends(even her sisters) tries to, and has, made out with a hand full of her friends (and one of her sisters).... and she is worried about ME 'cause i got a tattoo... lol OH MY!
JW concerned about my tattoo.
by skywho 21 Replies latest jw friends
The best way to make your self-esteem feel better is to judge someone else as inferior to yourself. Your friend is doing just that, and it's predictable to say the least. That's why I don't have any dubber friends - they make me sick.
lol awesome!
JWS are not mentally balanced, by any stretch of the imagination.
Earthquakes in one place after another.
You might want to mention to your friend that earthquakes in one place after another were happening
in biblical times, just as fierce as the ones that are happening today in are modern times.
The ancients did not know what caused earthquakes so the closest explanation was that a god of sorts
was the cause. The ancient Israelites told many embellished stories of how great and powerful their god was
compared to other cultural gods of their time.
Since when did you need her permission to have a tattoo? Is she your mother? Did you use her money to get it? Who the hell is she to talk to you about your relationship with God?
Answers: Never. No. No. and Nobody.
Therefore: none of her effing business.
Yeesh, that chick sounds twisted and a bit demented. Talk about the rafter being in her own eye.
Tell her to shut off. Its non her bussiness. Jdubs are notoriously famous in interfering into other's lives often with tacit encouragements from the elders. What a shame! To hello with that. They need to keep off and focus on their own from within.
You need to kindly remind her that we aren't under Mosaic Law any more, that has been fullfilled and is null/void. You will not be stoned to death for marking your skin any more.
JW's, the modern day Pharasees.
- Wing Commander
Mad Sweeney
My family was basically ignored by most of the congregation until we started missing meetings. Now we can't get rid of them. What genuine love!
The NWT says "you must not make tatto markings on yourself."
This is an obslete Jewish Law. In addition, tattos are from the Maori culture (the word tattoo is from new Zealand) Can anybody point to a Shemitic people who do or did tattoos on their bodies?
The verse actually refers to cutting the flesh to spill blood before a god - as in the contest between YHWH and the baals - Elijah mocks the priests who slash themselves.
They just want to give the verse a modern control aspect, cos they hate tattos.