The solution should be 'private' choice vs company public policy.
If somebody owns a florist and they are the only employee, if they don't want to service a gay wedding, then the gay couple should move on to the next florist, somebody else will be more than happy to take their money.
Now if the florist shop is has many employees, then the florist shop itself or company shouldn't have a policy that discriminates, each employee would be free to choose.
The LGBT agenda claims they just want equal rights and they are not 'shoving it down peoples throats', but then they go to a small business who the owners are not comfortable, and instead of moving to the next person want to sue them, that is shoving it down their throats.
I remember as a JW, JW's weren't supposed to work for any companies that were linked to military, or involved in birthdays, holidays, etc.
Now on the other hand, if laws will be forcing people to do services and things they don't want that go against their beliefs, then those on this forum who keep saying that DFing will never be banned by law because it goes against religious freedom, think again, if these people have their religious freedom taken away because it's deemed discrimination or wrong, then how much more so is the dfing and shunning policy? And especially if these people are making their own choice without their churches telling them to do so, how much more so when the WT puts in print, "don't look for excuses to talk to dfed family members, even through email".