Reaching out 1) to stretch one’s arm out 2) to publicly demonstrate one’s desire for promotion within the congregation by sucking up to several elders/visiting CO and being seen to do more field ministry. (this only applies to the male gender)
Food at the proper time 1) meal served on time 2) a pile of horsesh1t printed in a magazine that must be repeated in rote on a Sunday in front of other like-minded horsesh1t swallowers
Improper conduct 1) acting in an unacceptable way 2) the words used to describe feeling up your girlfriend/boyfriend when you are confessing to elders
Trusting in God 1) putting your trust in God 2) accepting horsesh1t you know is horsesh1t but are being asked to wait until one day it is superseded by fresher horesesh1t
Last days of the last days 1) WTF? 2) the phrase used to imply (but not guarantee) the end of the world is so imminent that the logical course of action would be to resign from any secular job and knock on as many doors as you can to warn people of their imminent destruction.
Spiritual reminders 1) a reminder from a source that is considered spiritual 2) reprinting the same old horsesh1t till one is bored to tears or a useful phrase to insert into a public prayer if preceded by the words “grateful for”
Brothers and Sisters 1) American sitcom 2) a way of addressing anyone who would gladly shun you the moment an elder announces you’re disfellowshipped or a group of individuals who regularly express an appreciation for horsesh1t
Brothers 1) a male sibling 2) a method of addressing a congregation whilst reinforcing that women are considered to be a lower class of horsesh1t swallowers
Elder 1) an older person 2) a senior horsesh1t swallower who has the power to deliver their own horsesh1t
Pioneer 1) the first to enter or settle a region 2) a practiced timewaster who seeks approval from other horesesh1t swallowers
Do not call 1) a request to not call 2) the occupier of a property that refuses to swallow horsesh1t
Joy 1) delight or happiness 2) the “lack of” being something to beat up anyone who hasn’t smiled enough during horsesh1t swallowing sessions or the secret emotion experienced when a senior horseh1t swallower has not turned up to deliver his horsesh1t on a Sunday.
Horsesh1t 1) what people who don’t know better or choose not to know better swallow in regular doses – best done as a group activity known as fellowship