As I was walking up to the first door in FS, I would always have to quickly thumb through the Watchtower and Awake mags to know what they were about.
That was me, too. I suspect that was/is true of a lot of dubs.
by WuzLovesDubs 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
As I was walking up to the first door in FS, I would always have to quickly thumb through the Watchtower and Awake mags to know what they were about.
That was me, too. I suspect that was/is true of a lot of dubs.
Funny question because now that I think about it, even back to my pioneer days and MS days, I never actually read the magazines.
It was always 'same 'ol, same 'ol'.
At first I would read the WT articles that we'd study at the meeting, the yearbook stories they included in some of them because I always felt "encouraged" by their stories, and the main article just in case I got asked about it while out in service.
After a while I would only study the WT article to be reviewed that Sunday.
And now I can't stomach the articles anymore so I never even open the magazines. I don't read anything anymore. It's all a bunch of crap.
When I really really REALLY belived in it, I read every Magazine from cover to cover with greedy delight, what new wisdom was there? What nuance in phraseology implied a change in understanding? Would "spiritually weak " ones spot minor changes in NOOLITE.
Needless to say, after 40 years of flip flops, it became impossible to lie to myself;
The Gibbering Buddy is whistling into the void, trying to hold off their DARK DAY - when they realise they too, have been HAD, just like their victims.
As I was walking up to the first door in FS, I would always have to quickly thumb through the Watchtower and Awake mags to know what they were about.
I used to read em in the car on the way to the territory...well, not read em exactly, more like skim through an article or two just to get an idea what to make up, er, talk about at the door.
After awhile I gave up on that even. I learned a better trick that kept me from even having to pull them out most of the time. I kept one or two scriptures in mind and tried to go to the Bible first thing. Odds were, I'd get cut off before I could read anything. Mission accomplished. I got my refusal and never had to show them the magazines.
40 years and I never read a yearbook either.
I read every single Awake, Watchtower, book, KM, Year Book, Daily Text, book mark, from front to back, for 14 years straight. I missed ONE awake during a military move. I read the Bible twice through, I studied for EVERY meeting, including the one's for field service! I looked up every bit of additional information in the study articles. That on top of personal study for one to two hours almost every day doing countless personal study projects. Everyone came to me to ask me to look stuff up if they couldn't find it or didn't want to. I prepared comments for EVERY meeting as well. I have a journal of points I would right from the literature to look at later. Oh yes, I did it all. In part I think that's why these "elders" here haven't messed with me because I know their stuff. In fact I wrote a five page or so letter with literature quotes all over it, showing them how they handled a certain situation wrong. I never heard ONE word from them about it.
Of course I've forgotten all of it now and for good reason.
I learned a better trick that kept me from even having to pull them out most of the time. I kept one or two scriptures in mind and tried to go to the Bible first thing.
Another good trick is the long pause. Nine times out of ten I would be refused without having to open my mouth.
Keyser...yes the long pause. I mastered that one too. My mouth would go silent as my eyes begged, "please tell me to scram so I can go to Dairy Queen for break and get on with my day".
Sometimes, if I thought it was of interest or felt it was applicable to my situation. Most of the time, I didn't bother.