by Terry 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    Healthy people don't go to a doctor. If they do they are hypochondriacs. No, I'm not talking about your annual check-up. I'm talking pathology. Hypochondriacs spend their time and money on imagined illnesses. A Hypochondriac becomes the center of attention merely by claiming to be suffering an illness that isn't there. They seek out physicians who will take their money and treat them even though there is no ailment to be cured! Often, the hypchondriac is given a PLACEBO. The logic is this. If your illness is imagninary, why shouldn't the cure be as well? Hypchodriacs might take hundreds of vitamin pills a day or engage in a five day bootcamp exercise program or run 15 miles a week under the seemingly "healthy" goal of "fitness." They totally engage the language and lifestyle of fanaticism. They become true believers and wrung out. They are boring to talk to and wild-eyed in commitment. And worse still....they want to RECRUIT YOU! Now, think about what religion does. It begins with a premise. A seemingly "healthY" premise. That premise in its most basic form is hypchondria How so? The person who sees themselves as totally lacking seeks a purpose. An empty life cries out to be filled with "meaning". See yourself as a loser? Join the winning team! Religions offer THE WAY, a program, a regime of total commitment, involvement and zeal. The simplicity of black and white.

    A way to do what?

    FIX YOUR PROBLEM. REPAIR YOUR LIFE. HANG OUT WITH THE COOL PEOPLE! For you to need to fix your problem you must buy in to the illusion you have a problem and that it is fixable.

    That is step one. What kind of fix are we talking about? What do the religion hucksters offer? Religions differ but, essentially they offer at least some of the following: 1.A way out of death or better still a re-defining of death as mere transcendance to a "greater reality." 2.Enlightenment (redefining "reality" as mere illusion and seeing a path to that plane of heightened beingness.) 3.A close personal relationship with deity. Oneness, harmony, cosmic brotherhood. 4.Super powers (healing, divine foreknowlege, miracles) 5.A brotherhood/sisterhood support group Ahh, joining the Family that makes you whole! 6.Superior knowledge of life's purpose (to the exclusion of other opinions.) Learning to name the enemy and marginalize your associates. 7.Things to do (how to spend your time and money). Busy busy work filled with purpose and humanitarian altruism.

    Different religions use different terminology.
    The Cast of Characters has different names, but, the functions are the same.

    Buddhism tells you to stop your desires and do your duty and you'll stop being born/reborn (i.e. death). Christianity essentially bans these desires, prescribes your duty and gives you one rebirth and escape from death. Religion makes you "aware" of a problem that it offers to solve. Like a TV commercial for fat hips, stinky breath or bad hair. In this, it is quite similar to the multi-billion dollar cosmetics industry. It allows you to see yourself as ugly and in need of the product (it provides, of course) which will "make-up" for your lack of beauty. Christianity allows you see yourself as a wretch worthy of death, a slave, a minion of satanic evil who is utterly condemned UNLESS you get with the prescribed program. Christianity is the Protection Racket used by mobsters so effectively. You pay protection from THEM.

    After all, God is DOING YOU A FAVOR by not killing you for the simply price of paying protection: faith!

    Say the magic word: JESUS!

    The local Kingdom Hall was once viewed as the ark of salvation. Now, we see it as a boring place to sit. Enlightenment brings true relief. Perhaps the greatest illness of them all is the RELIGIOUS IDEA that our SELF is the illness and BELIEF is the cure.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Actually, I am allergic to organized religion now. If I have to do it, I could suffer through a wedding or funeral service and just get all itchy all over, but full-blown religious services would cause me to "break out."

  • The Finger
    The Finger

    I have found a belief in God to be a benefit and on occasion the only one who could deal with the problem.


    The Jehovah`s Witness Cult..

    Cured me of Religion..

    Hallelujah Brother Terry!! ..

    ............................ ...OUTLAW

  • leavingwt

    Unlike the medical doctor, God can correctly diagnose and treat any illness.

    Hence, the difficulty in persuading the best customers to examine the competition.

  • Terry

    When the real world gets too tough to deal with.... Religion gives you a map to an alternate meta-reality.

    It is escape.

    I suppose sometimes NOT dealing with it is a way of dealing with it.

    LIFE is cruel. Sometimes WE aren't the reason. It is outside and not inside.

    Christianity ALWAYS makes YOU the problem.

    So, we make a choice: deal with it or dodge. SOLVE the problem or propitiate and browbeat ourselves.

    Your mileage may vary.

    What makes you stronger is realtime.

  • darthfader

    I'm with OTWO... I break out in a rash every time my JW relatives call me! It itches and burns! I need a tube of rational ointment ASAP!

    Darth Fader

  • poppers

    Perhaps the greatest illness of them all is the RELIGIOUS IDEA that our SELF is the illness and BELIEF is the cure.

    You hit it right out of the ballpark with that one, Terry.

  • Terry
    Perhaps the greatest illness of them all is the RELIGIOUS IDEA that our SELF is the illness and BELIEF is the cure.
    You hit it right out of the ballpark with that one, Terry.

    I need to keep a notebook of my pithy sayings and sell them to fortune cookie manufacturers!

  • Terry

    . I break out in a rash every time my JW relatives call me!

    I work in a used bookstore and everytime somebody brings in Jehovah's Witnesses publications it is who breaks out in a rash! I end up throwing the stuff in the dumpster. Why? It doesn't have a retail price so we can't sell it for HALF the retail price it doesn't have.

    It creeps me out to hold those books in my hands.

    Somebody brought in a host of bound volumes of AWAKE!! the other day. About twenty years worth. I didn't waste any time even looking at them. I couldn't wait to consign them to the trash.

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