If you don't believe any writers were inspired.. What do you hang your beliefs on?
If my dad was a Muslim..........what would I hang my beliefs on?
If my dad was a Mormon..........what would I hang my beliefs on?
If my dad was a Moonie..........what would I hang my beliefs on?
If my dad was a Hindu..........what would I hang my beliefs on?
Other people's father's claim that the writers of all of these faith's books are inspired.
My father claims that only his holy book is inspired, especially the translation done by his gurus and, even then, he will alter the grammar while he reads it if it doesn't fit his idea of 'inspiration'.
I don't believe in the Rainbow Serpent because my ancestors were not Australian Aborigines.
Is that a good reason for that disbelief?
Rock drawings of the Rainbow Serpent predate Bible Adam by several thousand years. Archaeologists who spend their lives digging up history claim that Australian Aborigines were firestick farming 39,000 years before Bible Adam was planted in the Garden of eden ...... and that they survived the flood myth of some ancient tribes of goat herders that are not my ancestors. In NZ our national emblem is the kiwi.... cheekily known as the fat arsed duck to our Aussy neigbors. It can't fly and it can't swim. Am I supposed to accept that it survived a global flood because some twits in Brooklyn, or the Middle East say so?
Why should I base my beliefs on the teachings of a cult that incorporated cannibalistic rituals from earlier religions? Eating the flesh and drinking the blood of dead Gods and heroes predates Christianity and even survived into relatively recent times in places like New Guinea.
What do you suggest I hang my 'beliefs' on?
I would join the Catholics before I went back to JWism, but only as social club, and only if they didn't insist on me pretending to believe every doctrine, and abide by every rule, without any forms of psychological warfare.