Since some have expressed curiosit in the subject of satanic worship, this will be a running repository of current issues involving satanic cults.
Satanism watch
by Weeping 18 Replies latest jw friends
Your goal is to bring Satanism to our Board..
It`s in many of your posts..
This is your 2nd Satan Thread in 2 days..
Your a sick person..
Actually any JW has a vested interested in watching Satan :-)
Trade one cult for another
Good for you,...
Not at all. My purpose is to warn others of the trap of becoming satanist.
Darn it all, I was just thinking about becoming one.
Most ex-jws think about becoming a Satanist you know.
" Not at all. My purpose is to warn others of the trap of becoming satanist."
Yes, we need a savior
I don't understand the point of this thread. Neither of these articles really has anything to do with Satanism... This thread is the equivalent of starting a thread about Christianity and citing articles about The Peoples Temple and a robbery done by a Christian.
EDIT: I looked at some of your earlier posts, and understand that you had some involvement with a Satanic cult. So, in good faith, I offer a glance at some of the more legit philosophies that go under that title.
Maybe you should listen to a little bit of Slayer to keep your mind on satan delusion :) lol
Honestly, you either need professional help or you're a troll here. Who speaks of the devil being everywhere and satanism cults? Paranoia is linked with schizophrenia which is maybe what you're experiencing if you're not here trying to get some sort of attention. I read (your first post) that you said you passed out at a concert due to pot, which is highly unlikely unless you had some other drugs but pot can mask schizophrenia for a time which may appear in behaviour at later stages of life. Seeing ghosts and hearing voices has much to do with schizophrenia and paranoia is a major sign of the illness. Your paranoia is a good sign that you have some sort of a problem and you should get that checked out.
What if worshipping Satan is a good thing? What if you are wrong?
Oh well. Many think that as long as you aren't worshipping Jesus or Jehovah, then by default, you are worshipping Satan. I say, all 3 do not exist as they are taught, so, enjoy making people afraid of imaginary people dude.