A belief in the existence of realities beyond perceptual or intellectual apprehension that are central to being and directly accessible by subjective experience.
Anything real is testable, measurable, perceptible and accessible by our senses. Beyond real is a projection by our minds which only we access inside our imagining. It is subjective.
A hypochondriac has subjective symptoms a doctor cannot access or treat.
Symptoms begin and exist and perpetuate within that person’s mind.
Conversely, the subjective mind can negate connection with realities.
The Christian Scientist can die from an illness which (to him) does not exist.
The Hindu can starve to death in a pasture full of sacred cattle.
The Jehovah's Witness can sell his house and Pioneer full time as he tears the pages from his 1975 calendar in exasperation.
And many is the parent who prays for mercy over the child who dies.
What we “think” is so separate and distinct from what really is when we lose our connection to what is real.
To think or not think is our choice.
Real think. Reality think. Not fake think; pretend think.
What is the difference?
The progress report comes at the end of each day as we lie in bed and count the costs of our beliefs. Did we meet with success or failure? Prosperity or ruin?
How did rubber meet road?
The Mystic may chide us for our reliance on reality yet he always leaves the room through the doorway and not by walking through the “illusion” of a wall!
Rational thinking uses non-contradictory measurements.
This includes our bank accounts, our financial data, our health insurance and all our technology. Science is only science because of the non-contradictory math descriptors.
Science is rational because there is a measurable ratio between the claims and the testing and the data. Anybody anywhere can look at it and repeat the experiment. In fact, they MUST have repeatable results or it isn't considered science!
True knowledge is our connection with the real world which consists of our mental map of things which says “this cannot be other than what it really is.”
It is the Mystic who will wish away what is disagreeable or imagine what is preferable and insist the result is superior to the real world.
For mystical thinking to work the mind as a map of reality must be disabled!
Drugs, trance, hypnosis, meditation and “putting out there” some construct as though it were true.
Using the Bible as an actual source of reality is a form of mysticism.
It substitutes the reality of any original autograph manuscript writings for centuries-later copies which are imaginary constructs.
Any inspiration is asserted. Besides, it is the interpretations which are what are the actual offerings and not the reality.
Everything Watchtower is MYSTICAL and represents UNPROVABLE value.
The membership buys in to the ILLUSION (mystical) and simply agrees to ACT AS THOUGH the value is really there when it obviously (eventually) is not.
When you deal with a Mystic the transaction goes like this:
What they promise is INTANGIBLE.
What you must give them is always TANGIBLE.
The ratio of actual goods, services, time, money, etc. comes from the brothers and sisters and is ACCOUNTED FOR by the Wacthtower STATISTICALLY.
This would be magazines placed, hours preached, bible studies conducted, Memorial attendance, real estate purchases, buildings owned, etc. All acquired from the believer.
What does the believer get in return?
Promises, hope, expectations, assurances, guarantees, “truth”, etc. Not one thing is tangible!
Why does the Mystical Watchtower Society demand REAL things while giving Unreal things in returned?
The Mystic doesn’t accept intangibles! They only promise intangibles in exchange.
Real Estate contains the word "real" doesn't it? That is why they purchase so much of it.
Only a real exchange is of value (as the mystic fully understands). They demand reality while promising unreality. Hypocrites and Mystics are identical twins.
The Mystic can promise anything but when it comes time to pay….it is their actual hand that is out waiting for a tangible in exchange.
The crime of it is that the Mystic exchanges mere illusion, promise, make-believe and assertion for the REAL value given them by the dupes who believe them.
Assertions of a Mystical nature are composed of special language.
The essential element in all of them is the ABUSE OF LANGUAGE!
Words are not used for their concrete referential meanings. Words are used for their inferences and floating conceptual evocations DETACHED from ostensible definition.
Instead of counting, measuring, proving by fact they depend on suggesting and indicating what “might well” be there. You fill in the blank out of your desire for it to be so.
Should the Watchtower Mystics ever fall for their own lies (believing their own unreality) and crossover into actual numbers, measurements and proof they would be like a spider caught in its own web. STUCK!
False dates are tangible. False prophecy deals with a date certain. Certainty is measurable and tangible and FALSIFIABLE!
Big mistake!