Raised by 2 Witness Parents or 1 Witness and I "Worldly
by dinah 12 Replies latest jw friends
As I was saying before the software farted.
The thread about born-ins vs converts and Blondie's comment made me think.
How many had one unbelieving parent as opposed to being an elder's kid with the "perfect" family?
My Dad was never a JW. Mom got baptised about a year after they were married (asap when I was born). The JW's run in her family. It skipped a generation and came for me. *shakes fist*
Dad being an UBM gave me hell in the congregation. The adults didn't trust me for crap, the kids thought I was cool. It gave me balance. Of course Mom was always there with the ubber guilt trip to keep me in line, but eventually I was relieved to get out.
How much easier is it for those of us with one parent out, to make the transition? I'm trying to imagine the kind of hell it would be for a born-in kid to leave with both parents adamantly trying to make them stay or else.
Im pure born muggle :)
I was born in the tower, my mother was a JW, my father never was. Still it took me until I was
31 years old in 83 to figure out how to escape. And still at 57 I am damaged goods from the wactower agency.
Mom is a JW and dad is normal. My dad always said the JWs were full of BS but never gave my mom any flack about it. All the JWs would say that my dad would make a good JW. Little did they know he thought they were a little "touched".
Just a point, my father was a non-jw but definitely not "normal." He was a pedophile who molested all his children.
So going to the meetings and d2d saved us from being alone with our father. Being molested at home was worse than any boredom at the KH. I never had any adult try to molest me at the KH.
But my mother used my father's situation to pick and choose what jw things she followed. It was very confusing for us kids. One week she would be strongly religious and the next week going to a birthday party with my father.
As to those who feel that years later they are still enslaved to the WTS, please go to counseling. I went for my sexual abuse and eventually it led to healthy discussions re my religious upbringing.
Love, Blondie
My mother was a JW, father initially a 7th day adventist, gave that up, did a very brief stint studying with the Jdubs for my mothers' sake, saw through it and took another path. My mum & father divorced when I was only 1. Thus raised in the faith.
keyser soze
I'm pure blood. I ain't no half-breed.
a bit of all....
Bio-Dad is a weak SB, married to an Episc and never full discerned the JW stuff beyond thinking the whole ban on holidays/B-days were stupid. He also has career that requires international assignments.
Mom (primary custodian) and Ex-Stepdad are JWs
I was pretty much left in the full care of my mother, my father trusted her completely.....
I was converted at age 19, so I'm on here just to say HI to Dinah.