Why I wrote a novel

by JeffT 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • JeffT

    This or something like it, will be the preface:

    In 1973, the year I graduated from college, I joined what sociologists now call a “high control religion,” what others would call a cult. Sixteen years later, my wife and I mailed a letter to the group’s headquarters formally ending our relationship with them. It had taken us a year to reach that decision, a decision that came with a price. When we left the religion, we left behind many close friendships and a few family members.

    In the intervening years, many friends and associates have asked me to explain what it was like, and why it was so difficult to leave. For me, answering those questions has been an exercise in attempting to explain the inexplicable. Even those with a religious frame of mind find it difficult to grasp the difficulty involved in making that decision. The reaction of the secularly minded as been “who cares where you go to church.”

    There are any number of personal and scholarly non-fiction works on this, and other similar religions. I have found that none of these can convey the emotional context of living within a completely different frame of reference. Members of these religions do not think the way you do, nor do they have the same emotional reactions. From time to time some event, Johnstown, Waco, or 9/11 focuses the world’s attention on religious extremists. But they remain inexplicable and most people prefer to think about things they can understand.

    So I have written a novel to make that world more understandable. “Armageddon’s Disciples” is the story of a fictitious apocalyptic cult, and the forces that drive its members. The Disciples are not evil, or crazy or stupid. They truly believe they are serving God.

    This religion and its adherents are products of my imagination. But the information control, social pressure and manipulated language that shape their lives are based in fact. They could be your neighbor, the one with the odd beliefs.

    My hope is that you will understand his world (and mine) a little better.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I like it. I too, like not naming the cult we belonged to. To me, it is more important to educate people to recognise cults by their attributes.



  • RosePetal

    Hi Jeff TT I can't wait to read your novel let us know how we can buy it we are in cambridgshire England.

  • BabaYaga

    Well phrased, JeffT., it sounds GREAT so far!

  • leavingwt

    Sounds good. Looking forward to reading it.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I like it. I too, like not naming the cult we belonged to. To me, it is more important to educate people to recognise cults by their attributes.

    Agreed. "By their fruits you will recognize them."

  • JeffT

    I've tried retaining an agent, it seems a bit obscure so I've can't get one interested. I have a query out to a small publisher right now. If that doesn't fly I'm going to go to print on demand. One way or another it will be out there. Also I'm going to be responsible for my own marketing, which is why I'm talking about it now.

    I don't know how distribution outside the US will be handling. It will be available through Amazon and places like Barnes and Noble online. Whatever happens, I will be shouting about it.

  • journey-on

    My wish is that it will become a best seller, a director or producer out of Hollywood will notice it then ask you to write the screenplay, Barbara Walters will ask for an interview, then you will be on Oprah's pick of the week!!!!

    But, either way, it sounds interesting...something I would purchase to read. I'm sure the process of writing it was somewhat cathartic, too.

    Good luck..........journey-on

  • Quentin

    Wish you well on your venture...you have more than enough anticdotal(sp) and hard copy evedence to get the point accross and write a readable story...

  • ziddina

    Bravo for writing that book! It's one I've wanted to write, but don't feel I could express myself thoroughly in describing the surreal nightmare which was my childhood and young adult life within the cult... (Maybe too painful to revisit???)

    Looking forward to reading your book when it's published!!! If you need any letters of support sent to the publishers to get them to publish your book....???


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