The Watchtower Society claims that all their changed beliefs have scriptural backing since the path of the righteous one is like a bright light that gets lighter and lighter until the day dawns. So God’s people today cannot be expected to have the correct understanding on the scriptures. Of course the Watchtower Society won’t use the word correct. Here’s how they explain it. God’s people can’t’ be expected to have a full understanding until the New System. In either case the argument exist that if God’s people today have to change their beliefs from time to time as the light get’s brighter, then wouldn’t that hold true for God’s people in the first century? How can we be sure that their understanding on matters was fully correct? The Watchtower society applies the (righteous one) in that scripture to God’s People. So it would have to apply to God’s People in the first congregations. So then how can we be sure that serious issues like the blood issue which was debated in the first century was the full understanding? How can we be sure that the disfellowshipping arrangement was fully understood? It would not be just for God to give first century Christians a full understanding so that they would never change beliefs and leave God’s people today in a confused state. The issue of blood and disfellowshipping are two issues that involve life and true worship. If the path of the righteous one is not clear then why are we destroying families, faith, and lives in our unyielding course to make rules from the principals of the Hebrew Scriptures? God is not so unjust so as to leave us without clear unchanging beliefs. We cannot put our trust in men that hide their error with scripture.
A Little Light is a Little Dark.
by jwfaith33 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I think they would say the imformation we have from the first century is in the bible, which was written by men who were inspired by God, to right what they did.
The governing body today do not claim to be inspired like those early christians so they will make some mistakes.
When the GB makes a mistake, it's "old light".
When any other religion makes a mistake, it's a "false teaching" and an "utterance inspired by demons".
darth frosty
How can we be sure that their understanding on matters was fully correct?
I like your thinking! I am one who believes that the restraint to abstain for blood was against murder similar to the noahide laws.
since the Watchtower uses the excuse that their understanding is like a bright light that gets brighter untill full understanding is attained then they are saying that they are in at least some darkness
Black Sheep
Because they were selected by Jesus in 1919 to be God's sole channel of communication in our day.....
..... and don't you forget it.
I thought I was getting new light. Then I clicked onto my first apostate site, and it was like the lights came on.
Oops... I thought this was gonna be about what turkey or chicken meat I liked best. It's dark btw. However, back on topic...
Everyone who uses the scriptures in the Holy Bible does so for their own purposes. So the real question is, are these purposes principled? Can they hold up to honesty, integrity, trustworthiness, joy and growth of the human spirit, creativity, forgiveness, and love?
New light is really just shifting sand. I see no rock foundation in it. With the 'light getting brighter', one is going to go blind at some point unless they protect their eyes.