I think I know what it is, really.
My best friend in California (L.A.) was an artist named Mark who was an avid Scientologist. He took me to the Celebrity Center in downtown Hollywood for an introductory lecture and a "rundown" on the E-meter.
It was just fabulous!
All the processes and lectures and manuals are high-tech and delightfully sci-fi in flavor. Men are given "auditors" who are lovely young women. Women are given handsome young men.
Get the picture?
It is the same in Jehovah's Witnesses when you are first studying the "bible" using Watchtower publications and learning a mile a minute that there is no Trinity, Hell, immortal soul and that there is going to be a Paradise Earth etc etc. Such a rush of learning and excitement!!
But---once you are on the inside: they OWN YOU!
All the razzle-dazzle and Hoop-la is just a come-on like a sideshow barker at a Carnival.
Once they've got you where they want you it is all HOUSE of HORRORS.
You can't catch fish with an unbaited hook.
The PYRAMIDOLOGY was a real dazzler back in Russell's day!