McClatchy Survey Finds 2 To 1 Support For Health Care Reform

by Elsewhere 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    McClatchy Survey Finds 2 To 1 Support For Health Care Reform

    Editor, Nieman Watchdog Project

    Posted: March 5, 2010 04:12 PM

    I wrote recently about the outrageous fraud of Republican leaders citing public opinion as a reason to oppose health care reform. They do this to make it appear as though they're the people's party, and because it's difficult to state their real reason, which is to bring down President Obama at any cost. Obama probably could get Republican support for health care reform by saying he has changed his mind and is now against it.

    Comes now (Feb. 26-28) a McClatchy/Ipsos poll of 1,076 people that on first glance offers rocks to sling at Obama. The lead question asks, "As of right now, do you favor or oppose the health care reform proposals presently being discussed?" Forty-one percent said they favored them, 47 percent said they were opposed, and the rest said they were unsure. Those are numbers the Republican leaders could work with.

    But the pollsters went a step further, asking those opposed -- 509 people in all -- if they were against the proposals because they "don't go far enough to reform health care" or because they go too far. Thirty-seven percent said it was because the proposals don't go far enough. Thus -- are you ready for this? -- the addition of an obvious, simple follow-up question completely turns the tables. The overall numbers switch to 59 percent in favor of health care reform, 30 percent against. Putting aside those with no opinion, it becomes 66 percent in favor of health care reform, 34 percent against. Some would call that a consensus, or these days, a super majority.

    Whoa, what happened here: a plurality against health care reform actually is a landslide in favor of it? In the same poll? If other surveys turn up similar data, will Republican leaders stop citing public opinion as the basis for opposing Obama's health care legislation? Fat chance.

    The poll did find resistance to key measures in the legislation. Seven of ten interviewed said they opposed putting "new taxes on the most expensive insurance policies;" six of ten opposed "a government requirement that everyone buy health insurance."

    For many interviewed, it is clear their responses represent gut feelings, not thought out positions. Only 10 percent said they knew "a great deal" about Obama's proposed legislation and 32 percent said they knew "a fair amount." Most people, 57 percent, said they knew "not very much" or "nothing at all." So here we have a large majority saying, no doubt correctly, that maybe they aren't exactly experts on the subject of health care reform?

    How nicely does that fit into the political discussion these days. Health care reform is favored by ordinary Americans -- popular, even -- but they admit they don't know much about the proposed Democratic legislation and have some real doubts. Sounds like a realistic picture.

    Do you think that will stop John McCain, Uriah Hatch, Grassley and the Senate minority leader from Kentucky from telling us how overwhelmingly the public opposes the Obama health reform plan and how Democrats may enact it at their peril?

    One thing the people interviewed do get is what game the Republican leaders are playing.

    A question in the survey asked if the "Republicans in Congress are working hard to find a compromise with the Democrats on the health care bill," or if they are "deliberately avoiding compromise in order to obstruct the bill in any form." Thirty-six percent said the Republicans are trying to find a compromise; 57 percent said obstructing the bill. Fifty-seven percent isn't a super majority but it's close.

  • sir82


    Health care reform is a communist plot!

    Real Amurricans stitch themsleves up with fishing hooks and nylon thread and don't need no @#$@! insurance!

  • minimus

    NO ONE I know of including mostly Democrats that I polled think this plan is right.

  • BurnTheShips
    outrageous fraud of Republican leaders citing public opinion as a reason to oppose health care reform.

    Well, that's just obfuscational bullshit. What a red herring indeed. Everyone, including most Republicans, want health finance reform. Any sane reasonable person believes some reform is needed.

    What the Republicans have said is that most people don't want THE BILL IN CONSIDERATION.

    Perhaps something like 3 to 1 against, which is what the latest CNN poll shows is the citizenry's feeling about the current Democratic health-care bills.

    If you don't understand the difference, then there is no helping you.


  • ColdRedRain

    There hasn't been a reply to this thread for over a day. I think we caught our liberal friends on this board in a Rutherfordism.

  • PEC

    The American people don't want the bill; because, Republicans have had everything of value stripped from the bill and still they still won't vote for it. If the Republicans think they will gain seats in November, I think the will be disappointed. The American people are sick and tired of the Republicans obstructing everything, in an attempt to regain control of the government. I know, I will never vote Republican again, they are just Libertarians that hide thier drugs.


  • beksbks

    CRR aren't you on some kind of social medicine now?

    There is no "this bill", and never has been. There are proposals. You have but to look back on this very site to see that people want health care reform. Many right here voted for Obama because of this issue. Many who lean right.

    This paragraph needs re-emphasizing.

    But the pollsters went a step further, asking those opposed -- 509 people in all -- if they were against the proposals because they "don't go far enough to reform health care" or because they go too far. Thirty-seven percent said it was because the proposals don't go far enough. Thus -- are you ready for this? -- the addition of an obvious, simple follow-up question completely turns the tables. The overall numbers switch to 59 percent in favor of health care reform, 30 percent against.

    The "obfuscational bullshit", is coming from the right and has been from day one. Just ask Jim DeMint.

  • beksbks
    NO ONE I know of including mostly Democrats that I polled think this plan is right.

    What exactly is it they object to Min?

  • BurnTheShips
    There is no "this bill", and never has been.

    At least get your facts straight, then you can engage in logical fallacies based on them. A bill passed the House. A bill passed the Senate.

    Both of them suck.

    Ne'er shall the twain meet.


  • beksbks
    Ne'er shall the twain meet.

    Uhhh yea, so in other words, there is no "this bill".

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