I did it many times.
Did you do a fake prayer before eating lunch at the assembly, etc????
by asilentone 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Well, there were many hurried, insincere prayers....
Towards the end though, a lot of faking.....
I never faked it but they were hurried and insincere.
I'm NOT sorry to say there were many prayers where my entire JW family were kicking each other under a table. It was a literal free for all, with snorts, snickers and absolute relief when it was over.
Catching anyone's eye meant total loss of control. Now that I think about this, it happened at meetings too, ....any jackass that dared go over time and then give another 30 minute talk via prayer was up for grabs with snickering.
Being that I was raised in the truth, I now wonder if this attitude didn't help with my demise in the same. (No problem by the way, and nothing like a sense of humor)
You know, as i got older, I actually prayed for what was important to me. Since I was eating, I really didn't give 2 shits about praying for the GB. I did care that I was eating and others were starving, so I always prayed about that.
The GB never passes on any occasion where they can get you to indoctrinate yourself, even when you have PB&J. That much is clear to me now....
I remember during an International Convention period, two missionaries had come back on vacation and went hiking with a group of us. They drove us nuts by demanding we pray before eating a 'candy bar'.
We all faked it for them, the little twits.
"Dear JG, we thank you for this blah, blah, blah,....amen."
Ah silentone, you made remember another phoney one at Bethel.......
We all brought snacks to work for a long overtime day once. A SR Bethel Elder, said on our break we should thank JG for the food. (no one was happy for the long work day) My bud said quickly,(to beat the elder) he would lead in prayer.
He bowed his head and said 'Dear JG, rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub' We all proceeded to munch down on some chips. The Elder was fuming. He bowed his head and said a silent prayer.
Someone asked him what he prayed about. He said, "you don't want to know" I came back, he probably was saying, "Oh JG, thank you for this food and curse these wicked brothers" We laughed, he walked away.
Do you think, he actually prayed with that comment he made? We didn't think so either. Just a show to demonstrate how 'holy' he was.
"Dear Lord. We thank thee for this food, for we know that this, too, shall pass. In Jesus name, Amen"
If you can believe it...we had friends that would pray over their drinks and snacks at HAPPY HOUR!!!!!
So very happy to be free!!!!!