This afternoon I was talking to one of my sons (25 yrs old) and he was telling me stories about how he felt as a young jw.
Some of the stories were pretty sad.
It got me thinking ,, the elders were real "micromanagers" when it came to young kids at the meetings.
We were not allowed to bring books outside of the wt, no alphabet, picture, or counting type books .
Also food was a big no-no. when my kids were toddlers, we would bring cheerios, small stuff like that.
The wizards would bellow from the stage, "you should not feed your kids, take care of that BEFORE the meetings.
After that time, I still brought food with, we just made several trips down to the basement during the meetings.
Out in service on a 95 degree day no shade, kids and parents were advised to KEEP YOUR TIE ON. One elder actually had the nerve to tell me
not to take a break ( hot humid morning with two infant boys) because we needed to get a complete morning out in the field.
The truth was that he was pioneering that month. We ignored him and took a break, and he and his wife sat out in the car enveloped in a self rightous cloud of BO. man that was a hot day.
Any other stories about child control in this religion ?