...the whole of canada hooked up by phone.. no big announcement that it was all a scam, no cancellation of the field service arrangement, just a praise of the new printing press and some regular drab. what a waste of my saturday evening.
canada's "zone visit"
by agent zero 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I am from the U K and have no idea what you are talking about. Can you explain?
Please explain!
- Circuit--circuit overseer
- District--district overseer
- Zone--zone overseer
- circuit
- A grouping of local congregations under each {branch organization}, normally assigned together because of relative geographical closeness. Most circuits are made up of about 20 congregations, which the {circuit overseer} visits twice a year.
- circuit overseer
- An {elder}{appointed} by the {Society} to serve all the {congregations} in a {circuit}, traveling from week to week to visit each congregation in turn.
- zone
- All the branch offices are grouped into zones in the same way that congregations make up {circuits} and circuits make up {districts}.
- zone overseer
- A brother who periodically visits and serves each of the branches throughout the earth.
Thanks Blondie, I knew all of that!
I just don't understand what Agent Zero is on about:
...the whole of canada hooked up by phone.. no big announcement that it was all a scam, no cancellation of the field service arrangement, just a praise of the new printing press and some regular drab. what a waste of my saturday evening.
Sounds straight forward to me...the Canadian congregations were supposedly hooked up by sound through the phone system and heard a talk by the zone overseer = possibly what he meant by a "zone visit." If one says "explain" I just figured that meant was this a zone visit.
I don't live in Canada and haven't attended a meeting for years. But I do remember telephone hookups for talks by GB members...
agent zero
hey, ok so to everyone not in canada, what i'm talking about is that last night all the english congregations across the whole of canada were congregated in assembly halls, multi-KH complexes, and rented facilities for a "zone visit" (thats what they called it, i never heard of it before either) supposedly for a big announcement from bethel that they could then tell everyone from coast to coast at the same time.
the things i mentioned in my opening comment about announcing its false or whatever, i obviously didn't truely expect, but those are the kind of things i would be much more excited about.. :P hehe
it was mostly about the new printing press and how all of the north american and carribean litterature will now be printed at the canada branch and that much help will be needed and so on and so forth.
by the way, it was complete with opening, middle, and closing song!
Sounds like it was a call out for workers at the plant.
Funny they still do the old trick on creating anticipation on some big important news
just make sure many come to the meeting and then its something hardly important at all.
Big announcement Big hype, Big commercial scam
A Zone visit was held recently in Puerto Rico. The Puerto Rican branch rented a Stadium in San Juan and they invited all congregations on the island. They held two sessions - one in the morning and in the afternoon. The Puerto Rican witnesses were also wondering if something special would be announced. Ultimately it was a few talks from a brother from Brooklyn Bethal and a member of the Governing Body.
I guess the WTBS is providing extra "encouragement" by arranging these special Zone meetings.
Ultimately it was a few talks from a brother from Brooklyn Bethel and a member of the Governing Body.
An opportunity for a GB member to fly to a distant place in the world that he has never been
before and have his ass kissed by the followers.
Privilege, status and power its all there for the GB members and they didn't have to get an education to get it.